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Retiree_News_Fall_2015 ‘Like’ Csea-Ny Retirees on Facebook and stay updated on your retiree membership! You now have a new way to not only stay connected to your union, but learn the latest on issues facing retirees like you. The CSEA Retiree Strategic Planning Committee recently launched a new Facebook page just for CSEA Retiree members: Csea-Ny Retirees. On this page, you can get the latest information about your CSEA Retiree membership and benefits, local meeting information and state and national issues that are relevant to your retirement security. Visit the page at Csea-NY_retirees. Better yet, if you have a Facebook account, “like” the page to get regular updates. Facebook is a wonderful medium for organizations like labor unions to share ideas and spread our message. Facebook is a free vehicle to let our voice be heard about how union members earn more, have better benefits, have pensions and have better security and safety on the job than non-union members. CSEA’s presence on Facebook includes the main CSEA page, a member benefits page, a page for President Danny Donohue, and a page for each CSEA region. Several CSEA locals and units also have pages, which are updated regularly by union members. The more we “like” pages or posts, the broader our audience becomes as more people will want to check out pages with greater numbers of “likes.” In the culture of Facebook, a “like” not only tells the other user that you actually like the item, but it is used as an acknowledgement or support of someone, even if it’s about something terrible. Sharing is important, too. The more we share posts about pension protection, adequately funding Social Security, worker safety and health issues, and secure retirements, the better we can educate others. Published by CSEA 143 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12210 (518) 257-1000 (800) 342-4146 Danny Donohue, President CSEA Local 1000 AFSCME AFL-CIO is published to share information and generate ideas on subjects important to retirees. Advocacy on Facebook is only as strong as the action on Facebook. More likes makes CSEA Retirees more relevant. As social media grows, the people who make decisions that affect your retirement security take notice of organizations with large followings. It’s a two-way conversation, and the larger our base, the greater our reach. Likewise, the greater our reach, the easier it is for us to build relationships with allies who can help us in our fights — strong communities work. Our ability to communicate with an audience of our peers grows, and so does our strength. Stay up to date on your retiree membership by clicking “Like”, mouse over and check “Get Notifications” and “Follow” at

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