Page 3 - Retiree News Fall 2021
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New York Health Act: Questions and Answers
What is the New York Health Act?
• The New York Health Act is a legislative proposal introduced in the state legislature that would change health care as we know it.
What would it do?
• The New York Health Act would create a single payer, government-run health care system. All New Yorkers would participate, with no exceptions or exclusions.
• It would change how we deliver health care in New York, including no negotiations or collective bargaining for health care anymore.
• Your current health care plan would be eliminated and would no longer be negotiated.
What is the bill?
• According to the bill sponsors, there will be no more premiums, co-payments or deductibles. But, nothing this good is free!
What is the cost?
• No one knows exactly, but estimates range from a RAND Corp study estimating $139 billion to the Governor’s Division of Budget estimate of $200 billion.
• This would more than double the entire New York State Budget!
How is this paid for?
• The bill would require a new payroll tax:
• Employers would pay 80%.
• Employees would pay 20%.
• BUT, since we don’t know the total cost of the program, we
don’t know what 20% would be.
What if I live outside of New York?
• We don’t know. The legislation simply does not answer how you would be covered for care in other parts of the country.
This includes:
• If you are a retiree living out of state.
• If you live out of state, but commute and work in New
• If you are on vacation out of the state.
How will this save money?
• The bill saves money by implementing cost controls on doctors and other providers, BUT we don’t if CSEA members will see any savings.
Who determines cost controls?
• The New York State Department of Health would set “reasonable” reimbursement rates and fee schedules that would apply to all doctors and providers.
• If rates are too low, doctors could choose to leave New York and move to another state.
While CSEA is committed to securing affordable health care for ALL New Yorkers, the New York Health Act is not the way to accomplish this. There are too many questions and not enough answers.
Our union OPPOSES this attempt to change health care for all CSEA members.
Take action right now:
If you don’t have internet access, call CSEA at (800) 342-4146 and ask for the Political Action Department or to be connected to your region’s Political Action Coordinator.
AUpdate your contact, beneficiary information
s a CSEA Retiree member, in, select “MY CSEA ACCOUNT” you may have.
it’s always important for you in the application dropdown box. Even if you have updated your
• Health Insurance Providers: NYSHIP: 1-800- 833-4344. All others: check your card for number
• Employee Benefit Fund:
Members with vision and dental contractual benefits. Website:; Phone: 1-800-323-2732
• Pearl Insurance: 877-847- 2732
to stay connected to our union, especially as we continue to
go through unprecedented and difficult times.
Please help us make sure
we have your most current information. Update us by emailing (please include your full name), or by logging into or creating your online member account at Once logged
You will need your CSEA Member ID Number, which can look up on the home page of our website at
If you don’t have a computer or don’t wish to update your information online, call CSEA Headquarters at (800) 342-
4146. Our staff in the Member Solutions Center can update your information and/or point in the right direction for any questions
information, you are encouraged to call CSEA to confirm that your most recent information is correct.
It’s also important to keep your beneficiary information updated:
• Pension: New York State & Local Retirement System. website: https://www.osc. Toll-free: 1-866-805-0990.
FALL 2021