Page 3 - Retiree News Spring 2017
P. 3
Strengthening our union in the Sunshine State
At recent local membership meetings, CSEA retiree members who live in Florida recently learned about the latest member benefits, health insurance information, social media and technology, personal safety and issues facing our union, including the upcoming Constitutional Convention vote. Members were urged to tell New York families, friends and former co-workers to vote no, and those members who are part-time New York residents were also urged to vote no.
CSEA Acting President Mary E. Sullivan addresses meeting attendees.
From left, Southern Region President Billy Riccaldo, Statewide Treasurer Bill Walsh and Capital Region President Ron Briggs applauds a presentation at the Florida State West Local 950 meeting.
CSEA Director of Legislative and Political Action Fran Turner discusses how a constitutional convention would jeopardize our pensions.
Florida State
West Local 950 President Barbara Adams welcomes meeting attendees.
Florida State West Local 950 member Sandra Forrester, left, and local 1st Vice President Barbara Martinez learn about our union’s benefits through a game of “Bird Brain Baseball.”
Florida State North Local 952 President Joan Reinhardt addresses local members.
Florida State North Local 952 members, including Patty McGraw, second from right, and Marilyn Millener, far right, take notes.
Florida State West Local 950 members get information on their CSEA member benefits.
Florida State East Local 951 President Ellen Misita addresses local members.
Florida State East Local 951 activist Sandra Lanthier, left, reviews her pension information with Thomas Pohl, an information specialist at the New York State Comptroller’s Office.
Florida State North Local 952 members Timothy Brown and Dorothy Brown get get information on their CSEA member benefits.