Page 4 - Retiree News Spring 2020
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Time to to to Be Counted in in the the the the the 202“0 U U S Editor’s Note: The photos on these pages were taken before the the the COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected the the the United States Images by Wendi Bowie Janice Gavin and and Jessica Ladlee It’s really important After we we retire we’re important we we take the the census are always on the the Security or something Time to to Be Counted in the 2020 2020 U U S S Census Census The 2020 2020 U U S S Census Census is now available to be completed online at https://www census census gov The census census can be completed online over the phone or or by mail In an an effort to to promote social distancing to to help prevent the spread of
COVID-19 we urge you
to complete the form
online Not only is is this
the easiest way to be counted it it it will also limit
the number of
home visits by census workers Most households received an invitation postcard from the U S Census Bureau in in March Paper forms were scheduled to to be mailed in April to to households that have not yet responded As New York State faces economic
How to respond Online
You can respond to the census using a a a a a computer tablet or smartphone To access the form
visit https://my2020census gov Please note that you
can’t save your progress the census must be completed in in in one sitting You can complete complete the the form
in in in English or or other languages The quickest way to respond to to the census is online with your your Census ID which easily links your your your response with your your address You can still respond if you
don’t have a a a a Census Census ID Your Census Census ID ID can be found
on on the the letter or questionnaire you
received from the the the Census Bureau in in in March After clicking the the the “Start Questionnaire” button on on on on the the online 4
stress from the COVID-19 pandemic it’s more important than ever to ensure an an an accurate count in the census CSEA’s currently working members members and retiree members members have a a a a a a a lot at at stake The services that that you
rely on every day
that that our currently working members provide are largely funded by federal dollars passed down
to our state and and local
governments and and that funding is directly tied to the census count It is estimated that 31 percent
our population failed to to respond to to the 2010 U S Census which cost New York $120 billion in in federal funding Learn more about our members’ efforts to ensure an accurate census census count at at https://cseany org/census form
will be prompted to enter your Census ID Phone
If you
live in an area with limited internet access you
may have received a a a a a a a paper form
along with your invitation letter If you
don’t respond by phone or online you
will receive a a a a a paper questionnaire Again due to the coronavirus outbreak online or or phone responses are preferred You have the the option of
completing the the questionnaire by phone To begin call call 844-330-2020 or call call the the number associated with your preferred language as as noted on on on the the website’s Phone
Response Guide “ People came into our country from other nations and and deserve to to to be counted too We have a a a a a a a lot of
immigration [in my my community] and and my my church serves an an an increasing number of
people in in in in need need every every week We need need need an an accurate count to”
— Deloris Eason Unit 2 secretary Florida State Retirees North Local 952
sure everyone gets the the funding they need need Mail Local 952
member Susan Ray left looks over U S S Census materials — Linda Bryant Executive Capital District Retirees Local 999 activists Frank Brady and George Hebert are working hard to ensure that everyone is counted in in the census (Photo by Bill Gustafson)