Page 4 - CSEA Retiree News Summer 2019
P. 4

CSEA Retirees are staying strong
CSEA Retirees know that retirement is no time to take a rest! On this page are photos from some recent Retiree events.
  Local 999 officers and Scholarship Committee members
award the Tony Muscatiello Scholarships to Conner Whitman, granddaughter of Local 999 member Phyllis Rathbun. From left, Deb Villa, Linda Mitchell, Phyllis Rathbun, Local 999 President Jack Rohl, Judy Richards, Conner Whitman, CSEA Capital Region President Ron Briggs and George Herbert.
Suffolk Retirees Local 920 activists Carol Low and Rutha Bush enjoy the local’s recent barbecue meeting at our Long Island Region office.
Capital District Local 999 members work the phonebanks at our Capital Region office to urge members to get out and vote in May’s school budget votes and school board elections.
Our Capital District Retirees Local 999 awarded for the 12th consecutive year the Tony Muscatiello Scholarship, which is awarded to children or grandchildren
of local members. To date, the local has awarded scholarships to 43 eligible recipients, who are randomly drawn by an outside party. The scholarships
were awarded during the local’s recent summer meeting. This year’s honorees, from left, are Logan Christensen, grandson of Local 999 member Deborah Villa; Samantha Bertrand, granddaughter of Local 999 member Elizabeth Reohr; Conner Whitman, granddaughter of Local 999 member Phyllis Rathbun and Lesha Tenney, granddaughter of Local 999 member Olga Tenney.
From left, CSEA Retiree Program Specialist Christine Meehan; CSEA Adirondack Area Retirees Local 916 President Robert Poirier; State Assemblymember Billy Jones (who represents the 115th District that comprises Clinton and Franklin counties) and CSEA Capital Region President Ron Briggs pose for a photo at the recent Local 916 membership meeting in Plattsburgh.
CSEA Westchester Retirees Local President Cheryl Melton, along with the local’s Executive Board members, updates members on the latest union news during the local’s recent luncheon meeting.

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