Page 2 - Retiree News Winter 2022
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CWSEA President Mary E. Sullivan: Optimistic for the year ahead
elcome family, and loved ones. safety and security more time. Anything you do will build to I’m optimistic this will be the seriously, so that we don’t have us stronger.
2022. year our retirees who worked in to remember any more workers I’m optimistic this will be the
I’m optimistic this will be an exciting year of possibilities for us all.
optimistic this
will be the year we finally get rid of the scourge of COVID-19. I hope that more people will listen to the experts who say that vaccines
are a safe and effective way to limit the spread and severity of this deadly virus, and choose to protect themselves, their families, and their co-workers. We know how badly this pandemic has impacted our retiree family, and
I pray that we can be done with this once and for all, without losing any more of our friends,
public service will receive due recognition for the contributions they made over careers of service. Things like increases to Social Security COLAs are a great start, but we must never fail to recognize and appreciate all your contributions.
I’m optimistic this will be the year Retiree union members
step up to become even more politically active. Most of you are active already, but we always need greater involvement. We exist under rules set by politicians, and when we aren’t involved, we lose our voice in the decision-making process that impacts our lives in many ways.
I’m optimistic this will be the year employers take workplace
killed on the job this Workers’ Memorial Day.
I’m optimistic this will be
the year you help strengthen
our union by asking your fellow retirees, especially all recent retirees, to join our Retiree Division. The most common reason why people haven’t signed up? “No one ever asked me to.” We build our power as we build our membership numbers.
I’m optimistic this will be the year you get more involved in our union, recognizing that we gain strength and power when we tap into our vast people power. You could volunteer for a union committee, take part in a union training, or attend a union meeting or function for the first
year we learn to treat each other with respect, no matter our differences, and learn to celebrate our diversity, instead of being more divided.
I’m optimistic this will be the year we begin looking forward with a positive outlook, and work toward making positive changes, so that we end 2022 looking back with pride and approval on what we’ve been able to accomplish, together.
I’m optimistic this will be that year for all of us.
In Solidarity,
HRetiree Executive Committee Chair Bernie Giambra: Gearing up for a busy 2022
appy New complications from the virus and Health Act, and I am concerned. It’s If you don’t have internet access, Year, limited ability to leave our homes a proposal in the New York State call your CSEA Region office and Happy safely. Getting out of this pandemic Legislature to create a universal ask for your region’s Political Action
New Year! I
hope you all had
happy holidays.
For those who
lost family
members, friends,
neighbors and
fellow retirees in 2021, you have my sympathy. I also ask that you send out positive thoughts and thanks
to those who are in service, both in country and far away at this time.
As I write this, we are in another COVID-19 pandemic surge, with infection rates at extremely high levels in both New York and Florida.
And again, our fellow CSEA members are showing up on the job, often facing understaffing and overtime. They are extraordinary! Their dedication in providing essential services is to be commended.
For many retirees, the pandemic has tested us in ways we could never imagine, between the risks of
has been challenging, to say the least and I am honestly tired of this pandemic. I can’t wait for the day we can get back to “normal.”
That being said, 2022 brings us hope, but we have challenges.
While the pandemic has led to
the postponement of many locals’ traditional meetings and activities, we are still connecting with union members and retirees remain strong. Our union adjusted quickly to new ways of doing our business when the pandemic began, and we are doing it now.
Some of our Retiree Locals have held successful “drive through” events, at which union officers,
staff and vendors can meet with members in a safe, socially distanced manner. Other locals have held meetings virtually. Newsletters to our members are more prevalent. In all formats, we have updated members on the issues that concern retirees.
This includes the New York
single payer health plan in New York State. CSEA is strongly opposed to this plan! It would end all collectively bargained health insurance and place all New Yorkers under the same plan. We would all lose our current health care plans. There are also simply
too many unanswered questions, including cost and impact on retirees here and those who live out-of-state.
Our union’s Legislative and Political Action Department has been working hard to educate CSEA members about the impact of this proposal. One of our union’s biggest priorities this year is to oppose this plan and we can all help.
Here’s what we can do:
If you have access to the internet, visit On that site, you can join the union’s fight against the New York Health Act, send an email to your state legislator opposing the New York Health Act and download an information flyer to share with others.
Coordinator, or CSEA Headquarters and ask for the Legislative and Political Action Department.
We have the power to oppose the New York Health Act. As union members, we know how to stand strong and fight for what’s right for retirees and working people. We had worked hard for our secure retirements and health care plays such a very important role in our everyday life, so this is a fight we have to win! Labor never quits!
Finally, I would like to close with a quote from actress Betty White, who passed away on Dec. 31 at age 99, during a 2011 CBS Sunday Morning interview with Katie Couric:
“Kindness and consideration of somebody besides yourself keeps you feeling young.”
In Solidarity,