Page 8 - Work Force February 2016
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Crawford, Walton named PEOPLE Recruiters of the Month
Highland Residential Center Local President Howard Crawford and St. Lawrence County Area Retirees Local activist
Kay Walton were recently named as PEOPLE
Recruiters of the Month.
the November honoree, recruited 24
new PEOPLE members, while Walton recruited five new PEOPLE members at the MVP level in December.
Action department are working 110 percent to maintain improve our union benefits and maintain our quality of life,” said Crawford, who had recently become a PEOPLE recruiter.
“I believe in the PEOPLE Program,” said Walton, a former St. Lawrence County Local activist who has served as a PEOPLE recruiter since CSEA affiliated with AFSCME in 1978. “It has been a proven method of political action for our membership. It gives us the clout to accomplish the needs of our union families. The union works because we work.”
CSEA’s PEOPLE program protects and improves our jobs, benefits and pensions in Washington, Albany and in your community. Your support and participation in PEOPLE strengthens CSEA’s clout in the workplace, in the legislature, in your community and in the labor movement.
— Jessica Ladlee and Mark M. Kotzin
“While CSEA members are busy performing their jobs, it’s good to know that PEOPLE and our Political
Save lives this winter!
CSEA’s “Get the Edge on Ice” winter safety campaign is in
full swing. Billboards are up in select markets and an exciting new series of video ads is airing statewide.
The ads show a unique, behind the scenes perspective on the work of plow crews, before, during and after winter storms. The footage was shot by a video crew embedded with CSEA-represented Town of North Hempstead workers during last winter’s storms.
The videos are a powerful way to raise awareness of the vital public service CSEA members provide and continue to remind the public: “Slow Down. Be Patient. Get the Edge on Ice.” To view the videos visit
See related story on pages 10 and ll in The Work Force.
The Work Force February 2016