Page 2 - Work Force February 2020
P. 2

Photo of the Month
Yonkers school employees protest last- minute pay period change
  CSEA member John Booras, a highway maintenance worker at the New York State Department of Transportation’s Riverhead residency, checks chains on a DOT truck to ensure it’s in working order for the winter season. (Photo by Wendi Bowie.)
YONKERS — CSEA Yonkers Public School Unit members rallied outside Yonkers City Hall to protest a change for 2020 that has reduced the amount of money our members who work 12 months per year are taking home per paycheck.
City officials gave workers
only one day’s notice that between $100-200 would be deducted from the normal amount of pay each pay period, starting January 2. The move is to account for 27 pay periods (as opposed to the regular 26) in 2020
due to the Leap Year.
For middle-class workers who
budget down to the last dollar, this creates serious hardship.
When you’re making rent
or mortgage payments, buying groceries, and supporting families, that shortage per pay period creates a serious financial burden.
After the rally, members headed to the City Council meeting to ensure their voices were heard.
— Jessica Ladlee
   Our 2020 calendar is here.
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    The Work Force
February 2020
Yonkers City Council President Mike Khader, center, addresses CSEA members and friends from the labor community during a rally outside Yonkers City Hall. Pictured with Khader, from left, are CSEA member Tyrone Mason, Yonkers City Councilwoman Tasha Diaz, and CSEA Yonkers Public Schools Unit President Lionel Turner.
Governor releases NYS State Budget proposal
 May 15 is deadline for submitting proposed Resolutions, changes to CSEA’s Constitution & Bylaws
Proposed Resolutions and proposed amendments to the CSEA Constitution & Bylaws for consideration by CSEA delegates to the union’s 2020 Regular Delegates Meeting must be submitted by May 15, 2020.
Proposed Resolutions or proposed amendments may be submitted only by a delegate and must be submitted on the proper forms which are available from the Statewide Secretary’s Office
at CSEA headquarters and region offices.
Proposed Resolutions and proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws must be submitted no later than May 15, 2020, to Statewide Secretary Denise Berkley, CSEA Headquarters, 143 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12210-2303.
The 2020 Regular Delegates Meeting will be held Oct. 5 – 9 in New York City.
  As this edition went to press, Gov. Andrew Cuomo had released his proposed, $178 billion 2020-21 New York State Budget. CSEA is reviewing the governor’s proposal and will work with our representatives in the
New York State Legislature to ensure that the services that we provide to all New Yorkers are mantained.
Visit for more details about the budget proposal as they become available.

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