Page 11 - Work Force January 2020
P. 11

Front row row from from left left Central Central Central New New New York York York DDSO DDSO DDSO Local Local Local member member member member Lisa Huante Jade T Central Central Central New New New York York York DDSO DDSO DDSO Local Local Local member member member member Dawn Larsen local local local member member member member Debra Sprock former local local local local local 3rd Vice Vice President President President Matt Spellicy and and and local local local local local member member member member member Derek Coffin Back row row from from left left Central Central Central New New New York York York DDSO DDSO DDSO Local Local Local President President President Don Page local local local local members Erica Cunningham and and and Linda Jackson and and and local local local local 5th Vice Vice President President Patti Beer Central New York DDSO local member member Erica Cunningham left with Jade Jade T a a a a a a a a a a a a a member member of Pathway to Employment
Program Jade Jade has done numerous internships and is happy to be a a a a a a part of the program Chris K volunteers at a a a West Leyden book fair them around the the shop The individual has also been helping wash pumpkins and cleaning out the the the greenhouse Linda Jackson a a a a a a a a a direct support assistant had one individual move from Florida to Taberg with her her mother The individual had some cooking skills and and there happened to be a a a a a a a bar and and grill down the the street from her her her home “We started her her [at the restaurant] doing prep work for tacos just cutting onions and and tomatoes and and stuff like that that ” Jackson said “She did so so well at at at it that that now she goes in every Tuesday Taco Tuesday and they gave her her a a a a a workstation of her own ” She’s been so crucial to to the the restaurant that management often calls her her in to to help on other days Another individual who staff were told wouldn’t fit well in in the the program succeeded beyond everyone’s expectations A filing room at at the the Rome Hospital hadn’t been touched in in a a a a a a long time but over the the the course of of a a a a a a couple month he he he he he had the the the entire room alphabetized He still reminds the the staff of of his accomplishment CSEA members going above and beyond One of the biggest challenges facing this program is is transportation Rules and regulations prevent staff staff from using their personal vehicles so so staff staff are often spending valuable time finding transportation for their individuals “These folks they’re they’re not even on on duty yet and they’re they’re looking all over trying to find a a a a a vehicle ” Central New York DDSO Local President Don Page said “So you talk about dedication dedication this this is is is dedication dedication dedication They’re doing all this this this work before they even set foot in in in the the the door this this this is is is is is is dedication dedication on on on on their part this this is is is is is CSEA’s future vision of how things are going to be be ” Our members fight for every every individual to to be be be be be included because they believe everyone can benefit from this program “I can’t even tell you how many times we’ve had people coming in in in in in or or going to meetings and saying ‘that’s not for them they can’t do that that ’” said Erica Cunningham a a a a a a a a a a a direct support assistant “And if we can just get them into the the the program those same people are blown away by what they accomplish ” “People just don’t understand the the value of how this is is so so person-centered it’s completely different than anything they’ve ever done ” Cunningham said “It’s going to to be an an an opportunity for for them them to to make some big decisions for for themselves ” — Nicholas Newcomb
January 2020
The Work Force

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