Page 19 - Work Force January 2021
P. 19

  State Department of Motor Vehicles (New York City) Unit President Dawn Destine and 1st Vice President Ben Greene join a Juneteenth march in lower Manhattan in support of the Black Lives Matter movement sweeping the country in response to incidents of police violence against members of the Black community.
We launched our Safe@School initiative.
C C S S E E A A h h o o l l d d s s fifi r r s s t t - - e e v v e e r r v v i i r r t t u u a a l l A A n n n n u u a a l l Delegates Meeting
Left, CSEA SUNY Downstate Local Vice President Maurice Dunaway and Anthony
Burke, in white suit, who
both work at the hospital’s Housekeeping Department,
are among the workers whose role of disinfecting the hospital during this pandemic is vital
in protecting workers and the community.
Cleon Hayes, a driver for the Newburgh Enlarged City School District, passes bagged breakfasts and lunches to a fellow district staff member.
CSEA members step up during pandemic
‘We are all essential workers:’ Members provide vital services in hard-hit New York City
 Calling for Justice
Kingsboro Pyschiatric
Center workers
are on the front lines caring for individuals, including Hazel
Ash, LPN, top, and Shamonique Harvey, mental health therapy aide.
Department of Transportation (Babylon) Local Recording Secretary Randy Acum.
Probation job has changed, but core mission remains
Jeff Hyde, probation officer, Genesee County
Left photo: Lifespire workers Betsy Santiago, left, and Shanita Collins express their appreciation for essential workers.
Right: Livingston County Local members Amanda Johnson, Joan Mann, Tammy Hainey and Carrie Gallagher thank essential workers.
In midst of outbreak,
our members keep kids fed
     Highway workers stay
     Mike Lloyd, shown here on the job, reports to the school
to ensure that school technology equipment is functioning properly. (Photo provided by Mike Lloyd)
safe on the front lines
   Technology helps keep our union strong
       CSEA Appreciation Day:
We recognize our public service heroes
           January 2021
The Work Force 19

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