Page 8 - Work_Force_January_2023
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Courts Corner: Terrelonge proud to be CSEA
Editor’s Note:
years, I’ve interfaced internally with other departments and externally with third party vendors, processing purchase orders within the five boroughs, voucher payments for criminal and civil courts reporters, per diem interpreters and staff, helping fulfill the mission of the courts to deliver timely and effective justice to everyone who comes before the courts regardless of status, background, or personal circumstances.
JA: What is rewarding about your role?
JT: As a court employee I meet interesting, diverse people within the court system, whom I am able to honestly serve, and fight for fair and equal treatment in the workplace. Most of all, I have the opportunity to provide professional quality service to employees and customers who come before the courts. I also serve as a delegate in CSEA and both roles have been rewarding.
JA: Why you think it is important to be in CSEA?
JT: Our union provides security and excellent health
benefits, vision and
dental coverage and
many other benefits. One thing for sure, CSEA fights to improve the working lives of ALL MEMBERS.
JA: As a court worker, what about our union makes
it perfect for court workers?
JT: CSEA is the
best! Before coming
to the court system, I
worked as a secretary
for seven years for a
private advertising
firm. We had no union representation, no
vision or dental coverage, mandatory overtime, no paid sick leave and
definitely no job security. We were always looking over our shoulders for the unexpected pink slip. Working
in the Unified Court System and having CSEA as my union gave me the job security that I need. I am glad I listened to my mother when she told me get a job with the state.
CSEA is the best union for court workers. There is security and most of all strength in numbers. Court workers receive fair representation, and a union that will fight for fair pay, strong health benefits, retirement security, and safe working conditions.
I am proud to be a
third generation CSEA member.
I am CSEA and together, we are union strong!
 This feature
is the third in
a series that
will highlight
CSEA members
employed at the
New York State
Unified Court
System. The
Work Force’s
Jill Asencio
recently spoke
with JoAnn
Terrelonge, an assistant court analyst at New York Civil Court in Manhattan, to learn more about her work and activism in CSEA.
Jill Asencio (JA): What is your position, and what do you do in that position?
JoAnn Terrelonge (JT): I am an assistant court analyst at New York Civil Court, which handles cases dealing with issues within the community. For more than 10
Town workers are CSEA strong in contract fight
Courts Corner
 WEST SENECA — Wearing matching neon yellow shirts demanding “fair contract now,” CSEA Town of West Seneca Blue Collar Unit members recently packed a December 5 town board meeting to show our union’s strength in numbers.
Unit members have been working without a contract since their agreement with the town expired in December 2020.
“We’ve been at the table negotiating with the town for a
fair contract,” said Town of West Seneca Blue Collar Unit President Brian Cummins. “Every time an
offer is made by the town, it’s just a reminder that the work that we do is not valued by town officials.”
Throughout the meeting, town residents in attendance showed their solidarity and gratitude for the workers. Also showing solidarity
with town unit members were CSEA Western Region President Steve Healy and West Seneca Central School District Unit activists.
“All I’d like to say is that these members work hard,” Healy said, while addressing the town board. “They work tirelessly day in and day out to maintain a certain quality of life here in West Seneca. They deserve a fair contract that appropriately values the work they do.”
Just weeks before the meeting, West Seneca was hit with around five feet of snow in just a matter of days. (See more, pages 10-11.) Unit members worked around the clock to keep the roads clear for residents and emergency service vehicles and their effort did not go unnoticed.
“I’ve seen just how dedicated they are to maintaining the quality of life
Dozens of CSEA members attend a December 5 West Seneca Town Board meeting to demand a fair contract from town officials. Joining the workers, second row, far left, is CSEA Western Region President Steve Healy.
8 The Work Force
January 2023
for residents here in West Seneca,” said West Seneca Central School District Unit President Darryl Hertel. “Just look how tirelessly they worked last month to clear the roads and keep this town operational.”
“We aren’t just employees of West Seneca, we’re the residents that
the town board claims to have in their best interest,” said Cummins, addressing the board. “If our well- being is truly your priority, then it only makes sense to give us the fair contract we deserve.”
— Madison Ruffo

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