Page 7 - Work Force June 2024
P. 7

June 2024 7
The Work Force
endorsed Westchester County
Executive George Latimer in the June
25 Democratic primary for the U.S.
House of Representatives’ New York
16th Congressional District seat,
which encompasses the southern
half of Westchester County and a
small portion of the Bronx.
Having spent decades
representing the interests of working
people while serving in elected
roles in local and state government,
Latimer has a longstanding
reputation as a steadfast supporter
of unions and has distinguished
himself as a consensus-builder who
has achieved positive change by
working in a bipartisan manner.
With the 16th Congressional
District primary one of the most
closely watched in the nation, our
union strongly supports Latimer in
his bid to bring his more pragmatic
approach to Washington, D.C., where
the House has faced stalemates that
have prevented legislation impacting
working people from moving
In announcing our union’s
endorsement last December,
Southern Region President Anthony
Adamo cited Latimer’s longstanding
support for union members,
both during his time in the state
legislature and in local government
roles that also included serving
on the Rye City Council and the
Westchester County Board of
“There is no doubt that George
is the most qualified candidate to
represent the 16th District and will
hit the ground running,” said Adamo.
Soon after becoming county
executive, Latimer resolved a
seven-year long contract dispute
with our union’s Westchester
County Unit following protracted
negotiations with his predecessor,
which has set the tone for a
harmonious labor-management
relationship during Latimer’s time in
Adamo said Latimer’s willingness
to work across party lines is
something that is badly needed in
“George’s campaign motto of
‘results, not rhetoric’ highlights
what has been missing in the
16th District,” said Adamo. “While
George’s more moderate approach
doesn’t always grab headlines, it
results in progress and meaningful
change. With so much at stake in
this country, George’s pragmatic
approach and consensus-building
ability will help move Congress
forward and avoid the stalemates
that we’ve been seeing all too often.”
CSEA was the first labor union to
endorse Latimer in this race. Latimer
joined Adamo and Westchester
County Local President Hattie Adams
at the Westchester County Local
office in mid-December to make the
As the election approaches, CSEA
is involved in efforts to get out the
vote for Latimer, including labor
walks and volunteering for phone
“I have always believed that
government must be a force for
good with real results,” said Latimer.
“And as an elected official, I know
that I could not have achieved the
Latimer shows
steadfast support of
working people
From left, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, CSEA
Westchester Retirees Local activist Lionel Turner, CSEA Southern Region
President Anthony Adamo and CSEA Westchester County Local and Unit
President Hattie Adams pose shortly after our union announced our
endorsement of Latimer at our union’s Westchester County Local office in
December 2023.
Westchester County Executive George Latimer, right, supports CSEA and
other unions’ efforts to reform Tier 6 during a rally in Port Chester earlier
this year.
results I have without the hard work
of CSEA’s members, the women and
men in public service who make
government function. Together, the
members of CSEA and I have made
Westchester the most progressive
county government in New York,
and it is an honor to receive their
— Jessica Ladlee
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