Page 7 - Work Force May 2022
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CSEA Celebrates National Library Workers Day
CSEA recently partnered with our International Union, AFSCME, to recognize and appreciate union-represented library workers around the state in honor of National Library Workers Day.
      Libraries serve as the center of culture and education in our communities.
On National Library Workers Day we celebrated CSEA's library workers
for their critical role in keeping these very important facilities running. Pictured: Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library Unit President James Hartmann, right, and Hewlett- Woodmere Public Library Unit 1st Vice President Andrew Dachtera, left.
Newburgh School District Unit President Joe Ammons and CSEA member Russell Pitts, a security guard at the Newburgh Free Library, show their support for library workers.
Bethlehem Public Library workers pose for a group shot with Ove the dog outside the library on Library Workers Day, April 5. From left, Lizzie Sullivan, library clerk; Chris O'Brien, library clerk; Chieko Madura, library assistant and Unit President Kate Lambert, librarian.
Gathering in the teen section of Newburgh Free Library, members of the Newburgh School District Unit show their support for library workers. Pictured are, standing from left, Heather Georghiou, Bridget Jackson, Taylor Beach, Joe Ammons and Yoly Avella. Seated, from left, Patty Sussman, Sara Scoggan and Joanne Lugo.
  May 2022
The Work Force 7

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