Page 16 - Work Force May 2024
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 Some EBF vision plans include occupational benefit
The CSEA Employee Benefit Fund (EBF) Occupational Benefit
is included for active employees enrolled in EBF’s State Vision Plan, Gold 12 Vision Plan, and Platinum
12 Vision Plan with Occupational Rider. It recognizes the unique visual demands of certain occupations, and offers tailored solutions to enhance employee comfort, safety, and performance.
Members have
options for
or a separate
pair of glasses
with a different
prescription for computer users. This valuable feature addresses specific occupational challenges while promoting overall eye health and well-being.
If you are unsure what vision benefit you have, check your contract, use our Benefit Search tool on our website at, or log into your EBF Member Portal Account.
Occupational Requirement:
Employees who spend at least 50% of their work hours either working on a computer, driving a vehicle or working outdoors may be eligible for this benefit. These occupations may put significant strain on the eyes, necessitating specialized eyewear for optimal comfort and performance.
Examination and Prescription: Eligible employees
will undergo an examination to
assess their visual needs. Based on the
nature of their work, a determination will be made regarding whether a different prescription is necessary for their second pair of glasses.
Provider Determination: The participating eyewear provider
plays a pivotal role in determining the necessity of the additional
pair of glasses. Their expertise ensures that employees receive appropriate eyewear tailored to their occupational needs.
Different Prescription for Computer Users: Employees primarily engaged in computer work may benefit from a second pair of glasses with a prescription different from their first pair. This is crucial for alleviating eye strain associated with prolonged screen time.
Prescription Sunglasses for Drivers: Employees whose job involves driving or working outdoors have the option to get a pair of prescription sunglasses. These sunglasses can have the same prescription as their first pair, ensuring consistent vision while on the road. Copayments may apply if you choose to upgrade to a polarized lens. Photochromic lenses such as Transitions® brand lenses do not qualify.
Eligibility Restrictions: Spouses and dependents are not eligible for this benefit, focusing exclusively on the employees themselves.
Simultaneous Processing: If eligible for the second pair of
occupational glasses, both pairs of glasses must be processed simultaneously. This ensures convenience for the employee and streamlines the administrative process.
If you use an “exam only” provider and plan to visit another location
for your eyewear, you will need to request a second prescription from your examiner for your occupational glasses.
Substantial out-of-pocket expenses can be avoided by using a CSEA EBF vision care participating provider. Services must be claimed by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the services were performed.
    Summary of April Board of Directors Meeting
Editor’s Note:
The Work Force publishes a summary of actions taken by CSEA’s Board of Directors. The summary
is prepared by CSEA Statewide Secretar y Richard Bebo for union members.
Counseling Corp. as a new
member benefit.
• Confirmed the appointments
of Lester Crockett, Kenneth Greenleaf and Richard Bebo as Trustees to the Employee Benefit Fund.
• Confirmed the appointments of John Brown, Stacey Baldwin-Deyo, Kevin Mahler and Chris Vogel as Trustees to the Political Action Fund.
• Confirmed the appointments of Duane Beer, Jarvis Brown, Kelly Brown, Rachel Sowa and Ian Spencer to the John J. Kelly Memorial Scholarship Fund.
• Approved Nassau County Municipal Employees Local 882 to enter into a four-year agreement for 366 North
Broadway, Jericho, NY 11753, commencing April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2028, as referenced in the Statewide Treasurer’s report to the Board of April 11, 2024. As this lease runs past the local officers’ current term of office, approval by the Board of Directors is necessary.
• Confirmed the appointments to the Appeals, Budget, Charter, Personnel and Publications Committees,
as referenced in the Local Government Executive Committee Report to the Board of April 11, 2024.
• Confirmed the appointments to the Appeals, Budget, Charter, Personnel and Publications Committees,
• •
as referenced in the State Government Executive Committee Report to the Board of April 11, 2024. Approved the Special Audit Committee Report to the Board of Directors April 11, 2024.
Approved all Region Political Action Committee appointments contained in the Standing Legislative & Political Action Committee Report to the Board of April 11, 2024.
Questions concerning the summary should be directed to Statewide Secretary Richard Bebo, CSEA Headquarters, 143 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210. (800) 342-4146 or (518) 257-1253.
 16 The Work Force
May 2024
ALBANY — CSEA’s statewide Board of Directors met on April 11, 2024. In official business, the board:
• Swore in all new Board of Directors members.
• Approved adopting the services of Cambridge Credit

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