Page 9 - Work Force September 2016
P. 9

 Photo by James McCray, Hy-Sync Media - NYC
         AFSCME, CSEA Never Quit
International Convention
                      LAS VEGAS — CSEA officers and delegates played a leading role in AFSCME’s 42nd International Convention held here in July and helped demonstrate why we “Never Quit.”
Delegates debated a record number of resolutions reflecting the union’s position on a wide range of public policy and social and labor issues; stood strong for good labor relations and social justice, heard from many speakers, including endorsed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton; and conducted union business, including re-electing AFSCME International President Lee Saunders and Secretary-Treasurer Laura Reyes.
CSEA is the largest affiliate of AFSCME.
“It was right that CSEA delegates were front and center in the debates and in the convention activities,” said CSEA President Danny Donohue. “It’s all about making our union
better and a stronger voice for working people.”
Donohue and CSEA Executive Vice President Mary E. Sullivan were re-elected by the CSEA delegates
as AFSCME International Vice Presidents. Long Island Region President Nick LaMorte was elected to CSEA’s third International Vice President slot.
“To those who try to scapegoat public service workers, demeaning and denigrating us, questioning our professionalism and blaming us
for fiscal recklessness, what do we say? We never quit,” Saunders told delegates in his keynote address.
The convention highlighted the outstanding work that CSEA and other AFSCME members perform every day and the vital role we all play to build strong communities. Videos, presentations and other recognition demonstrated the character and commitment of AFSCME members.
 Hillary Clinton stands up for working people
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a case for working people to support her candidacy. “When I’m president, working people will always have a seat at the table
and a champion in the White House,” she told delegates. “I’m proud to be in the trenches fighting alongside you to raise wages and keep the public in public services.”
Clinton asked delegates to support her by talking to our friends and neighbors, knocking on doors and registering people to vote.
 Photo by Tessa Berg
         “Hillary’s speech was impressive and seeing people co”ming together for a common cause.
— Brian Stelmaszyk, State Department of Transportation (Buffalo) Local
                                       Photo courtesy of AFSCME.
   Sullivan Donohue LaMorte See pages 10-12 for more coverage of the AFSCME International Convention.
Photo by Tessa Berg
 September 2016
The Work Force
 First-time Delegate

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