NYS & CSEA’s Partnership for Education and Training ESOL Program graduates visit the CSEA Pilgrim Psychiatric Center Local to talk about the success of the program. From left, Herold Eleve, Udelinda Lopez, Maria Serrano, CSEA Pilgrim Psychiatric Center Local President Arnold “Rashad” Jones and CSEA Pilgrim Psychiatric Local Executive Vice President Christina Lebron.
BRENTWOOD — Thanks to the NYS & CSEA Partnership for Education and Training (Partnership), a group of CSEA Pilgrim Psychiatric Center Local members recently advanced their English language skills to help improve their career opportunities.
The Partnership is a joint labor-management organization that provides education and training services to state agencies and CSEA-represented state employees at no cost to workers. The Partnership is funded through the collective bargaining agreements between our union and New York state.
One of the Partnership’s many success stories is the 10 CSEA Pilgrim Psychiatric Center Local members who recently completed the English for Speakers of Other Languages Program (ESOL). The graduates took the course because they wanted to have more professional opportunities.
Herold Eleve, who received a promotion while attending the classes, is now in a managerial position.
“Before these classes, language was a barrier to our progress,” said Eleve. “Writing reports and speaking to your supervisor is easier when you understand the language they’re speaking.”
Eleve’s newly-honed language skills has given him the self-assuredness to consider going to college, which he would not have considered before taking the ESOL training.
Udelinda Lopez had previously taken classes at Suffolk Community College, so she is no stranger to a classroom, but she said she knew taking the ESOL classes would be beneficial.
“It can be really frustrating when you’re smart, but you can’t communicate because you don’t know the language,” said Lopez. “I can see the difference these classes have made in everyone’s lives. We feel more confident to speak up.”
The workers’ new skills and newfound confidence puts members in a better position to advocate for themselves and each other.
CSEA and the Partnership made the ESOL classes convenient for members by holding the classes at the worksite, offering a convenience for members that they would not have had they taken English classes through another source.
“Education is something no one can take away from you,” said CSEA Pilgrim Psychiatric Center Local President Arnold “Rashad” Jones. “When the facility sees these classes are success, there is a buy-in from administration, which makes it easier for CSEA locals to work with the Partnership to bring these opportunities to members.”
Members credit Pilgrim Psychiatric Center Local Executive Vice President Christina Lebron with always being there to offer words of inspiration and pushing them to succeed in their course work.
Outside of class, members would encourage native English speakers to converse with the students in English to allow them to practice their skills.
With the positive impact the ESOL classes have had on their lives, Pilgrim Psychiatric Center members want other CSEA members who may need to develop their English language skills to take advantage of the training.
“We want to perfect our English, but the need to work to earn money for our families keeps many immigrants from learning,” said Pilgrim Psychiatric Center Local member and ESOL program Graduate Maria Serrano. “These classes have made it so easy for us. I hope CSEA continues to offer these classes.”
— Wendi Bowie