Long Island Region President Jerry Laricchiuta pledges to fight for members


COMMACK — Newly elected CSEA Long Island Region President Jerry Laricchiuta has been a staunch advocate for working class people since he began his activist career in 1995 as a shop steward.
Since then, Laricchiuta has earned his political stripes by serving as the CSEA Long Island Region’s Executive Vice President, Nassau Local 830 President, Co-Chair of the CSEA Statewide Judicial Committee, among other positions. Along the way, he has received numerous honors for his unionism, including CSEA’s Mission Achievement Award.
Now stepping into his largest role to date, Laricchiuta is looking forward to rolling up his proverbial sleeves and continuing his long history of activism.
Perhaps one of Laricchiuta’s biggest accomplishments is when the Aramark Corporation, a large, private sector supplier of food services, facilities and uniforms, was planning to take over the food services at the jail where Laricchiuta worked as a cook.
“The unit board and I started working with [Nassau County] legislators and we got them [legislators]to agree to two things,” said Laricchiuta. “They [legislators]agreed that they would never privatize the jail and we got legislation that says New York prisons, jails and support staff positions can
In this 2018 file photo, Nassau County Local President Jerry Laricchiuta fields a call from a local activist about issues at the work site.
never be privatized.”
“We won, we beat the big guys,” said Laricchiuta.
The Aramark victory is a legacy that Laricchiuta plans to continue in his new role as Long Island Region President.
Recognizing the magnitude of his new position, Laricchiuta is looking forward to learning more about his role.
“I know that being a region president is very different from being a local president,” said Laricchiuta. “I plan on learning my new role and learning it fast, while I keep a watchful eye on local government, which is difficult because in this case, our members are working for an entity and not a person.”
“Our members need someone who is strong, who will work for them and advocate for them,” said Laricchiuta.
As far as his leadership style, Laricchiuta believes in collaboration.
“It doesn’t matter what your position is — you always have to treat people with respect,” said Laricchiuta. “If you want people to be your partner and work with you, you can’t think of yourself as being above them.”
After more than two decades since he became an activist, Laricchiuta has used the knowledge he has gained to become a more aggressive activist.
“When you have experience, you can start ‘playing chess,’” said Laricchiuta. “Just by having a conversation with someone, I can clearly see what they’re planning and I can prepare myself for what they’ll do three moves ahead.”
Laricchiuta wants CSEA Long Island Region members to know that although he is financially comfortable now, he remembers what it was like when he wasn’t.
“No one can tell me that I don’t understand financial instability,” said Laricchiuta. “My father passed away when I was 17, leaving my mother with me and my five siblings to raise.”
His personal experiences have strengthened his commitment to helping those in need.
“ I know what it’s like to go without. That’s why I care so much about people who are struggling. My life experience is why I’m so passionate about advocating for our members who need these jobs. People’s families depend on their union salaries, and benefits, and I will fight for them until the death.”


About Author

Wendi Bowie is an award-winning journalist who has focused the majority of her career on covering Long Island news. Her efforts have earned her the Press Club of Long Island Media Award for Public Affairs and the Long Island Coalition for Fair Broadcasting Folio Award. Wendi was drawn to her current position as Communications Specialist for CSEA’s Long Island Region because it speaks to her strong desire to champion the rights of the common man and woman.

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