Page 8 - Retiree News Fall 2024
P. 8
CSEA Retirees
reconnect at
local meetings
See page 9 for more.
A representative from Otsego County Department of Health discusses tickborne diseases with Broome, Chenango, Delaware and Otsego Retirees Local 902 members.
From left, State Assemblymember Billy Jones greets Adirondack Area Retirees Local 916 Vice President Nancy Clancy. (Photo provided by Assemblymember Billy Jones’ office.)
State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, fourth from left, poses with Buffalo-Niagara Frontier Retirees Local 903 members, including Local 903 President Joan Bender, third from left, during the local’s recent summer meeting.
CSEA Political Action Coordinator Chris Ludlow discusses important issues at a recent Rockland Retirees Local 918 meeting. (Photo provided by Local
918 President Ron Wilson.)
CSEA Retiree Program Specialist Christine Meehan, standing, right, addresses Broome, Chenango, Delaware and Otsego Retirees Local 902 members.
State Assemblymember Billy Jones, at podium, addresses Adriondack Area Retirees Local 916 members during a recent membership meeting. Standing at right is Local 916 President Robert Poirier. (Photo provided by Assemblymember Billy Jones’ office.)