Page 7 - Retiree News Spring 2022
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                  SAVE MORE & PAY LESS
Helping you do both is what we do best.
One simple way to keep more of your money is to spend less on your monthly bills. Your CSEA membership enables you to bank with CAP COM for lots of money-saving benefits!
• Fantastic rates on loans and credit cards
• 24/7 digital banking and a free budgeting app
• Award-winning service and friendly professionals
With rates so low, act soon if you’re thinking about purchasing a car, buying a home, or investing in another major purchase. Now is also an ideal time to transfer your debt to a lower-rate loan.
Put Us to Work
Let us help you afford items on your wish list and reduce your monthly payments.
 (844) 622-CSEA (2732)
                                            Federally insured by NCUA
            1 Effective January 2022
2 12 month waiting period for all Type C Services
Exciting news about the
A more traditional Dental Benefit Plan for Retired CSEA Members
The maximum amount for all covered services in any calendar year has been increased from $1,500 to $2,000 per person ! 1
Type C Major Benefits now include dental implants! 2
Other features & benefits:
√ Freedom to Choose Your Dentist: With   , you have the freedom to choose any dentist, even if that dentist is not an in-network provider.
√ Annual Deductible: To help keep down your out-of-pocket expenses, the deductibleis$50perinsuredpersonuptoamaximumof $150perfamilypercalendar year.Thedeductibleiswaived forpreventivecare.
√ Reimbursement Benefit: Reimbursement is based on the negotiated fee schedule — whether you elect to visit a participating dentist or you seek out-of-network services.
Ifyou’dlikemoreinformationaboutChoice2,oryou’d like toenroll,pleasecall1-888-507-1368andoneofourhelpful insurance representatives will be happy to assist you.
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