Page 10 - Work Force April 2023
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Union continues fight for safer As roadwork season begins CSEA CSEA continues to push for safer work work zones
Thousands of of CSEA members work work work on on on on or or or or or near roadway work work zones
which is one one of of the most dangerous jobs that our our union union members perform Since our our union union began keeping records in in in 1983 nearly 60 members have passed away due to work work zone intrusions including Jake Arcara who passed away last year following a a a a a a a a a a work work zone incident at at his job at at the Town of Yorktown Numerous more CSEA members were were injured Nearly half of of the the fatalities were were caused by motorists Major contributing factors of of these deaths and and injuries include distracted driving and and speed The U S S Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that between 2003-2020 (the latest year available) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 workers have passed away while performing highway maintenance work work According to the National Safety Council in in in in 2020 alone 857 people died in in in in in work work zones
and 44 240 were injured Since 2010 work work zone zone deaths have increased 46% CSEA has fought for for years to make roadways and work work zones
safer for for workers Our union will observe National Work Zone Awareness Week from April 17-21 This year’s theme is is “You play a a a a a a role in Source: American Traffic Safety Services Association
work zone safety Work with us!” Learn more about the week at nwzaw org Our union is committed to fighting for safer work zones
year round including through CSEA’s ongoing Don’t Zone Out campaign Here are just a a a a a a a a a few of CSEA’s accomplishments to help make work zones
and roads safer since launching Don’t Zone Out in in 2010 • Supported the enactment
of the “Move
Over” Law
and later
lobbied for several expansions of vehicles to to be be covered under the legislation: amber light vehicles vehicles (tow trucks construction and and maintenance vehicles) sanitation and and recycling vehicles vehicles vehicles to be covered under the law and and vehicles vehicles displaying blue or green lights such as volunteer firefighters and and ambulances • Successfully pushed for legislation creating a a a a a a a a a a a pilot program to to place automated speed cameras in state highway work zones
• Trained more than 3 000 workers on on temporary traffic control throughout the state • Partnered with the state state Department of Labor’s Public Employees Safety and Health (PESH) Bureau on on on compliance directives and and trained their staff on on on work zone safety • Provided guidance for both state and and local government employers on on obtaining required equipment for proper work work zone set-up and worker safety protections • Sponsored hundreds of public events and and distributed thousands of Don’t Zone Out magnets clings and banners
to raise
about ending
distracted driving and and slowing down in in in work zones
• Educated high school and and BOCES students about driving safely through work zones
You play a a a role in work zone safety 2023 National Work Zone Awareness Week 10 The Work Force
April 2023 In this file photo Caleb Snyder a a a a a a a a a laborer and Owsego County Blue Collar Unit member helps pave a a a a a a a a road (Photo by Nicholas Newcomb ) In this file photo Caelyn Grunewald does flagger work for the Town of East Hampton (Photo by Wendi Bowie )