7-8_2015 Page 4


CSEA Executive Statewide Officers President Danny Donohue in touch with Work Force ISSN 1522-1091 Official publication of CSEA Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 143 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12210-2303 Danny Donohue, President STEPHEN A. MADARASZ The Communications Director & Publisher LOU HMIELESKI Executive Editor JANICE GAVIN Associate Editor JANICE M. KUCSKAR Graphic Production Specialist JASON D. HOSIER Graphic Production Specialist BETH MCINTYRE Communications Assistant Vice President Mary E. Sullivan Secretary Denise Berkley Treasurer Joe McMullen CSEA Region Officers Long Island Region President Nick LaMorte 3 Garet Place Commack, N.Y. 11725 Metropolitan Region President Lester Crockett 125 Maiden Lane, 5th Floor New York, N.Y. 10038 Southern Region President Billy Riccaldo 569 State Route 52 Beacon, N.Y. 12508 Capital Region President Kathy Garrison 1 Lear Jet Lane, Suite #2 Latham, N.Y. 12110 Central Region President Colleen Wheaton 6595 Kirkville Road East Syracuse, N.Y. 13057 Western Region President Flo Tripi 120 Pineview Drive Amherst, N.Y. 14228 Communications Specialists Long Island Region: vacant (631) 462-0030 Metropolitan Region: David Galarza (212) 406-2156 Southern Region: Jessica Ladlee (845) 831-1000 Capital Region: Therese Assalian (518) 785-4400 Central Region: Mark M. Kotzin (315) 433-0050 Western Region: Ove Overmyer (716) 691-6555 Headquarters: Jill Asencio (518) 257-1276 The Publications Committee Jerry Laricchiuta Robert Pyjas Theresa Reagan Lee Reynolds The Work Force (USPS 0445-010) is published monthly by The CSEA Publication Office: 143 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210. Periodical Mail Postage paid at Post Office, Albany, New York 12288, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: CSEA, Attn: Membership Department, 143 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210 Readers: Send any comments, complaints, suggestions or ideas to: Publisher, The Work Force 143 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12210-2303 CSEA online: cseany.org or follow us on facebook and twitter: facebook.com/csealocal1000 twitter.com/csealocal1000 The Work Force Your connection is key to a more powerful CSEA Just what does it mean to be a CSEA member? There may be as many answers as there are members, if you really think about it. But there are core values and characteristics that really hold us together. One of the reasons we continue to move forward is because we remain true to the guiding principles of our founding to build worker power and represent the interests of our members. There is strength in numbers and solidarity, and we are far more effective when we work together than any of us could be individually. We all know this. We don’t always practice it. Often we let others divide and conquer us. This is why CSEA continues to be focused on making our union better — harnessing the collective power that we all share. We have been an effective force for decades and do many things very well. Yet, today there are new challenges and new circumstances, including the difficulty of bringing people together when we all lead complicated lives with a lot of competing demands. We need to find new ways to connect with one another and reinforce the value of standing together. Our union is about a lot more than simply negotiating contracts and providing member benefits. It’s really about bringing people together in common cause. In fact, our ability to represent depends on how well we connect with one another and work together. A more powerful CSEA makes all the difference for everything that matters to you: better working conditions, including decent pay and benefits; relations with your managers and co-workers; and better communities that mean a quality of life that you, your family, friends and neighbors can enjoy. Each of us has a self-interest that benefits from a more powerful CSEA, even as we work for the common good. Think about that and consider how your individual connection to CSEA is essential to better results now and for our future. 4 The Work Force July-August 2015

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