Page 13 - Work Force March 2025
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STAY CONNECTED with CSEA for a chance to win a gift card!
To better provide services to our union members, CSEA needs to ensure we have your most updated contact information. As our union works
with more than 1,000 employers,
including New York state, counties, municipalities and school districts, information can become outdated.
CSEA is encouraging members to keep their information updated by holding a contest throughout this year.
Any member who updates or verifies their contact information through the MyCSEA App,
our website at or by filling out a contact card will be entered into the
contest for a chance to win a gift card. At the end of each month, CSEA will
draw at random 12 members, who will
receive a $25 gift card.
Stay Informed. Stay Connected. Keep Your
Information Updated!
3 ways to update or verify your contact information:
Contact Information Update
Fill out and return to your CSEA representative OR
(turn card over)
Name (print):
Address (print): Street
Personal Email:
Home Phone:
First City
Cell Phone: Local/Unit #:
* To look up your CSEA ID number, go to and click on Get My Member ID icon at the top right of the page, or download the MYCSEA app.
For more information about the MyCSEA App visit
scan to update your
info on MyCSEA App fill out a contact card
New award to be given at the ADM:
Welcome to Our Union!
Not a member yet? Text CSEA to 237263 to join today!
Mary E. Sullivan, President 143 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12210
An Activist Guide to New Employee Orientation
Local 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO
Mary E. Sullivan, President
The Rising Tide Award
Talking Points for New Hires that don’t join CSEA
We know that there will be new hires that may choose not to join CSEA at your new employee orientation meeting. Here are some common arguments made for why they are not joining along with some responses that you can convey as to why they should re-consider joining. Our movement to reach 100% membership in all CSEA workplaces will always be the goal, but we understand that there are fundamental reasons why employees choose to be a non-member.
Reason not to join: “Costs too much money, can’t afford the dues.”
Response: As a union, we understand that every penny counts – we encourage you to think about how important union membership is. Your dues dollar plus the union’s strength in numbers, means strength in terms of political power and as public employees, this is critical! In addition, our members-only benefits are really money saving programs that members can use for themselves and their family members. Membership dues authorize CSEA to service its members in contract negotiations, contract enforcement including handling of grievances and legal protection.
Signing up new members is important to CSEA.
It helps our union grow and increases our power. When union workers get fair wages, better benefits and improved workplace conditions, all workers see improvements. This rising tide can lift all boats in our communities, but this starts
by growing our union.
CSEA wants to encourage each region
to make signing up new memb
priority through a friendly competition.
At the 2025 Annual Delegates Meeting,
the region that signs up the m
members will be recognized with The
Rising Tide Award.
Reason not to join: I get most of those benefits anyway. Let someone else foot the bill.
: If e
e adopted this “freeloader” attitude, the benefits including a decent and
well-enforced contract wouldn’t exist for you to enjoy. Every free-loader weakens the union’s position with management and everyone suffers as a consequence. Management often judges a union’s strength by the number of free-loaders. Every free-loader is a signal to management
at everyone pay their share, instead of expecting their
co-workers foot the bill for everyone else.
fair th
Reason not to join: I don’t need a union. I’ll do my job and have no complaints about working condoitions ortmy emnployer. w
u may
most of the benefits, wages and rules under which you work have been negotiated by the union. Your salary increases, your fringe benefits, hours, working conditions, accident and health safeguards,
Reason not to join: I don’t agree with the union’s politics and feel like I won’t be heard.
Response: CSEA wants to hear what you have to say. CSEA is one of the most democratic labor unions in the country, one that allows the average rank-and-file member to play an active role in their own future. Members elect officers at every level – unit, local, region, and statewide. Delegates and Board members, elected by rank-and-file members, represent their member-constituents on issues and programs covering a wide range of matters affecting public employees. CSEA members have input on contract negotiations and are a part of bargaining in every step of the process.
el you don’t need a union, but chances are you feel that way because
sick leave, vacation leave and much more are there because the union worked in your behalf.
In addition, many conscientious public employees are wrongly accused of misconduct every year and threatened with penalties including loss of their jobs. CSEA is there to safeguard its members’ rights.
weren’t o
ere would no doubt be a steady erosion of these hard-won benefits.
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job, th
For more information on New Employee Orientation visit employee-orientation for resources.
March 2025
The Work Force 13