Page 15 - Work Force March 2025
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All certificate programs are for CSEA-Represented NYS Employees and NYS Management/Confidential Employees.
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Procedure protects rights
AFSCME’s constitution includes
a rebate procedure to protect the rights of members who disagree with how the union spends money for partisan political or ideological purposes.
Article IX, Section 14 of the International Constitution, which establishes the procedure for dues rebates for members who object to AFSCME’s partisan political
or ideological expenditures,
was amended at AFSCME’s 33rd International Convention.
The amended language requires those persons who object to the expenditure of dues for political
or ideological purposes to submit their objection in writing to both the International Union and CSEA Local 1000 by certified mail between April 1 and April 16, 2025, each year for the prior year ending December 31.
The timing of the steps in the procedure is tied to the International’s fiscal year. The procedure, including the requirements for submitting a proper rebate request, is spelled
March 2025
out in Article IX, Section 14 of the International Constitution. THESE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.
Here’s how it works. Members
who object to the expenditure of a portion of their dues for partisan political or ideological purposes and want to request a rebate must do
so individually in writing. Written requests must be postmarked between April 1 and April 16, 2025. That request must be timely filed by registered or certified mail with: the International Secretary-Treasurer and the CSEA Statewide Treasurer. The requests must contain the following information: name, CSEA ID number, home address, email address, if available, and the AFSCME local (CSEA Local 1000) to which dues
were paid during the preceding year. This information must be typed or legibly printed. The individual request must be signed by the member and sent by the individual member to: International Secretary-Treasurer at AFSCME Headquarters, 1625 L St.,
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-5687; and CSEA Statewide Treasurer, Empire State Plaza Station, P.O. Box 2611, Albany, N.Y. 12220-0611. Requests for more than one person may not be sent in the same envelope. Each request must be sent individually. Requests must be renewed in writing every year the member wishes a rebate.
Upon receipt by the International of a valid rebate request, an application for partisan political or ideological rebate will be sent to the objecting member. The objecting member will be required to complete and return the application within 30 days of its issuance. In accordance with the constitutional amendment adopted at the 1998 International Convention, the application will require the objecting member to identify those partisan or political or ideological activities to which objection is being made, and
no rebate will be made to any member who fails to complete that portion
of the application. In determining
the amount of the rebate to be paid
to any member, the International
Union and each subordinate body shall have the option of limiting the rebate to the member’s pro-rata share of the expenses for those activities specifically identified in the application.
Upon receipt by CSEA of the valid, certified request, the constitutional maximum of 3 percent rebate will be processed. No phone calls or email correspondence will be accepted.
Any member who is dissatisfied with the amount of the rebate paid by the International Union may object
by filing a written appeal with the AFSCME Judicial Panel within 15
days after the rebate check has been received. Appeals should be sent to the Judicial Panel Chairperson at the AFSCME International Headquarters at the address listed above. The Judicial Panel will conduct a hearing and issue a written decision on such appeals, subject to an appeal to the full Judicial Panel. If dissatisfied with the Judicial Panel’s ruling, a member can appeal to the next International Convention.
The Work Force 15