Page 6 - Work Force November 2016
P. 6

 106th Annual Delegates Meeting ~ Building
WASHINGTON — Whether on the convention floor, a meeting room
or in one-on-one conversations, our delegates’ energy was strong as they vowed to Never Quit at making our union stronger.
CSEA’s 106th Annual Delegates Meeting focused on building energy, urgency and action for our future, including workshops that built union leadership skills and sessions to engage each other in conversation — and discuss strategies
to engage and
all of our
In addition
to programs
and general
union business,
delegates also
heard addresses
President Lee
Saunders, State
Senate Majority
Leader John Flanagan and former AFSCME International Secretary- Treasurer William Lucy.
As CSEA and the Labor Movement continue to face unprecedented challenges, reaching out to all of our members is more important than ever.
Over the past 106 years, CSEA has survived — and thrived — by our
ability to change, grow and adapt to meet the challenges that face us.
Whether we have faced easy or hard times, we have Never Quit on our union or each other. If we are going to win, we all have to work together and get involved to move our union forward.
“We have to get more people involved, and have to make
a personal commitment to
engaging all of our members,”
CSEA President Danny Donohue
said. The
meeting included
a panel discussion
featuring CSEA activists
who were involved in Never Quit blitzes in their regions or
“The reason I participated (in the
blitz) is because I love my union,” Richard Bebo, a state Department of Transportation (Albany) Local activist who participated on the panel, said. “I do this because I love this. The more I can grow, the more I can help and educate people, the stronger this union will be.”
“We are all in this fight together!” Donohue said.
“We have to get more people involved, and have to make a personal co”mmitment to engaging all of our members.
— CSEA President Danny Donohue
CSEA delegates who are U.S. military veterans lead the Pledge of Allegiance. At microphone, center, is CSEA Statewide Veterans Committee Chair Maryann Phelps.
— Statewide Secretary Denise Berkley
“I will never forget where I ca”me from and I will certainly Never Quit.
— Statewide Treasurer Bill Walsh
6 The Work Force
November 2016
It’s important for us to reach out to each other... As (former Ohio State Sen.) Nina Turner said, God gave us two arms for a reason; one arm to reach out and achieve our goals, and the other to reach back and bring some other people up with us.
— Executive Vice President Mary E. Sullivan
“We have to look at who we need to elect in this country. We are going to have to do some prayer and some healing, but most importantly, we have to elect someone who will represent us, that will heal this country.”Don’t walk to the polls on Nov. 8 – run to them.

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