Page 4 - Work Force November 2016
P. 4

ISSN 1522-1091
Official publication of
CSEA Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 143 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12210-2303 Danny Donohue, President
Acting Communications Director & Publisher
      Long Island Region: WENDI BOWIE (631) 462-0030
Metropolitan Region: DAVID GALARZA (212) 406-2156
Southern Region: JESSICA LADLEE (845) 831-1000
Capital Region: THERESE ASSALIAN (518) 782-4400
Central Region: MARK M. KOTZIN (315) 433-0050
Western Region: OVE OVERMYER (716) 691-6555
Headquarters: JILL ASENCIO (518) 257-1276
JANICE GAVIN Associate Editor
JASON D. HOSIER Graphic Production Specialist
BETH MCINTYRE Graphic Production Specialist
CommuniCations speCialists
    The Publications Committee: Karen Bright
Robert Ellis
Tim Finnigan
Debbie Nappi-Gonzalez Marie Snyder Rick Stahl Vincenza Turpin
 The Work Force (USPS 0445-010)
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     President Danny Donohue in touch with
The WorkForce
Activism often
starts with a
pHersonal invitation
ow do we get more of our members because someone personally asked engaged and connected to CSEA’s them to step into a new role. And when
         4 The Work Force
November 2016
This question has been on our minds for many years, but it is especially crucial now as we continue to expand our member engagement reach through the Never Quit campaign. Of course, visiting members at their homes and at their work sites is a great first step — it allows us to start a new conversation with our members, some of whom have never talked to anyone from the union before.
But what comes next? How do we spark a higher level of commitment among those who have yet to identify as a union activist?
We need to ask them, by name, face- to-face, to get involved.
CSEA held a panel discussion at
this year’s Annual Delegates Meeting
to discuss what we have learned from the Never Quit blitzes so far. In that discussion, it became apparent that most of our current activists first got involved
we approach members who haven’t historically been involved, and we ask them why, we often hear, “No one has ever asked me!”
We have a new wave of members joining our ranks who have no union experience, and who might not have any idea what the union does. I urge you to invite them to come along to a work site visit, or personally ask them to attend your next quarterly meeting. Or, maybe, hand them information on shop steward training, and ask them to discuss their thoughts with you.
And just in case you are reading this, and thinking to yourself that no one has ever invited you to get involved: I am personally asking you now. Join us! Together, we’ll build a better, stronger union.

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