Page 4 - Work Force October 2020
P. 4

President Mary E. Sullivan in touch with
   Long Island Region: WENDI BOWIE (631) 462-0030
Metropolitan Region: DAVID GALARZA (212) 406-2156
Southern Region: JESSICA LADLEE (845) 831-1000
Capital Region: THERESE ASSALIAN (518) 782-4400
Central Region: NICHOLAS NEWCOMB (315) 728-3375
Western Region: OVE OVERMYER (716) 691-6555
Headquarters: JILL ASENCIO (518) 257-1276
WorkForce ISSN 1522-1091
Official publication of
CSEA Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 143 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12210-2303
Mary E. Sullivan, President
Director of Communications and Publisher
MATHEW L. CANTORE Deputy Director of Communications
JASON D. HOSIER Graphic Production Specialist
BETH MCINTYRE Graphic Production Specialist
JOELLE LUCENTE Communications Assistant
CommuniCations speCialists
    Karen Bright
Tim Finnigan Michele Kiuber
Marnie Rounds Marie Snyder Chris Vogel
The Publications Committee:
 The Work Force (USPS 0445-010)
is published monthly by
The CSEA Publication Office:
143 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210. Periodical Mail Postage paid at
Post Office,
Albany, New York 12288,
and additional mailing offices.
Postmaster: Send address changes to: CSEA, Attn: Membership Department, 143 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210
Readers: Send any comments, complaints, suggestions or ideas to: Publisher, The Work Force
143 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12210-2303
CSEA online: or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube:
Get out and vote!
SIisters and Brothers,
t was 100 years ago when white
women first got the right to vote.
They fought for this over many years. They rallied, marched, got arrested, and struggled just to earn the basic right to vote. And then, even after being joined by their Black sisters, it still took another 55 years for Black women to succeed in gaining those same rights.
In this upcoming election, there is
no more struggle. All of us have the absolute power to vote and to determine what politician or elected official is deserving of our vote. Today, the right to vote is the great equalizer. No matter who you are, no matter how much money you have, no matter where you live, each and every one of us only
gets one vote, and we have a civic responsibility to take advantage of that right, even if it’s harder right now given the circumstances.
In New York, we do have several new avenues available to us as voters to be able to overcome the obstacles the pandemic is creating. We can vote
right now by getting an absentee
ballot and dropping it off at your local county Board of Elections. You can also start early voting in person at limited locations throughout the state beginning on October 24. You can vote by absentee ballot and drop it in the mail today. Beginning October 24, you can also show up with your absentee ballot at the Board of Elections or early voting polling location and use a drop box to submit your ballot with no waiting in line. Of course, you can always vote
in person on Election Day, November
3. For more information on any of
these methods, visit the State Board of Elections website at
No matter how you vote, I hope you make a plan to get out and vote. It’s how we make our voices heard in our great country.
In solidarity,
Mary E. Sullivan, President
 4 The Work Force
October 2020

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