Page 14 - Work Force October 2024
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2024 Annual Delegates Meeting Officer Reports
 Kenny Greenleaf
Central Region President
Steve Healy
Western Region President
Workplace safety, secure employment top priorities
   Throughout the course of history, especially the past several years, unions across the country have been under attack. Our union and its membership has faced many challenges and has come to terms with the results. As an organization, we have boldly met each one head-on and have proven that we do make a difference when we move forward together.
Together, we have fought back, and our union’s membership numbers continue to grow despite the obstacles placed in front of us. CSEA members need to know that we
are listening to them and fighting for them every day to ensure working people continue to have a voice and a seat at the table. Our union members need to know we are moving forward together and that collectively, we will ultimately be successful.
members and their needs. We all must embrace and welcome diversity. We need to be more receptive to the suggestions and opinions of everyone. We need to remain diligent with providing the appropriate training needed to move the organization forward. We must make sure we have the appropriate staffing necessary to assist our members. We must prove ourselves more than ever before.
If we are not bold enough to make the necessary changes to better represent each member, we will have failed. We cannot focus on where we have been and instead, must focus on where we are going. We need a vision to move everyone forward.
As our union continues to change and evolve, we all need to be prepared to move
COSEA Family,
n behalf of the more than 40,000 members of the CSEA Western Region, greetings to everyone here at the CSEA Annual Delegates Meeting.
I am proud to be a leader in our union that works hard to have us feel protected in the workplace, whether it be fighting against workplace hazards or dangerous conditions or workplace health concerns. This past year, we have worked endlessly to minimize workplace hazards and increase workplace safety measures.
Aaron’s life and make a commitment to push for additional safety measures in New York State Parks for CSEA members and other parks workers.
Secure employment has been a topic on my radar since I was informed of the layoffs at West Seneca Central School District. I knew we needed to get involved to fight to secure and save jobs. West Seneca Central School District Unit President Darryl Hertel stated, “The buildings are the same size,
the services are the same amount, but now there are fewer workers to take care of the same amount of work.” Darryl also discussed with me how the workers had some ideas on how to creatively save the district money, but unfortunately, district officials were not
open to working with them on these possible savings concepts.
Having a secure job allows CSEA members to better provide for their families and have confidence and longevity in their position. I promise that as president of our union’s Western Region, I will put members’ job security as a top priority. With layoffs continuing to happen all over
the country, we must unify to stand strong. I want to emphasize the importance of
having a safe and healthy workplace to move our union forward. If you do not come home safe and healthy from work, not much else matters. Together, we have the power
to make positive change in the workplace. With that power, we can improve working conditions.
I am proud to be our union’s Western Region President and am always inspired by CSEA members’ strength and unity. As a leader within the labor movement, I vow to continue to strive for secure employment and the right to a safe and healthy workplace for our union members.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Healy
Western Region President
We have had
conversations about how our
union makes a difference.
How if it were not for our
union, their issues would
not be addressed. How if it
were not for our union, jobs
would not be saved. We need
to continue to move forward
and have more of these
conversations. In his speech
to the City of Fulton Common Council, City of Fulton Unit President Tom Schimpff spoke about the members and the work
they do for the community while urging the council to ratify the employee contract. Tom referenced each job and what the workers do for the community and said “We are THAT UNION” after every reference. I thought it was important that Tom was highlighting the members and the work they do as they move forward together.
As an organization, we must have experienced leadership to guide us in a new direction. We need leaders who are not afraid of any challenges that we may be faced with. We need leaders who welcome and prepare new activists, so our mission continues.
We need leaders who are innovative and committed to building a stronger union.
We must continue to listen to our union
to move our union forward. If you do not come home safe and healthy from work, not much else matters.”
“CSEA members need to know that we are listening to them and fighting for them every day to ensure working people continue to have a voice and a seat at the table.”
the entire organization in whatever direction needed. It can no longer be status quo. As an organization, we must continually be evaluating and making the necessary changes needed to keep our great union relevant. As
we move forward together, let us be reminded that regardless of the role or title we have, every decision that
is made and every action that we take is to protect our union.
We are one. We unite as one. We fight as one!
I am honored to be part of the leadership of CSEA, and I work hard every day to
help uplift our union members, our great organization and our communities. If we work collaboratively and are moving forward together, success will take care of itself.
As we come together this week to share and learn from one another, let us do it in a positive and uplifting manner. Remember to be proud of being part of CSEA because as Tom said, “We are THAT UNION!”
Respectfully submitted,
Kenny Greenleaf
Central Region President
“I want to emphasize the importance of having a safe and healthy workplace
I remember distinctly when I learned
of the three Buffalo Psychiatric Center employees, including one of our union members, who were stabbed while trying to subdue a violent patient.
My mind immediately
went to, “How can we
minimize these hazards for
our members working at
the psychiatric center?” I
knew we needed to ensure
additional safety measures
and guidelines for our
union members there but
needed to figure out how
to accomplish this. I knew
we could move forward
together with our union’s Occupational Safety and Health Department, as well as our union’s allies, to increase workplace safety.
CSEA, including our union’s Buffalo Psychiatric Center Local, united with PEF, NYSCOPBA, Buffalo Psychiatric Center management and the state Office of Mental Health to discuss potential ways to minimize workplace hazards and violence. The goal was to ensure our members can provide their essential services in way that keeps them as safe as possible on the job, so that they could home safely.
Unfortunately, not all of our union members make it home safely. I would like to reflect on a loss we had this year. In January, CSEA lost a young member who had died while doing his job. Aaron Peters was handling tree cleanup at Golden Hill State Park when he suffered a fatal injury. As a union, CSEA came together to honor
   14 The Work Force
October 2024

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