Page 15 - Work Force October 2024
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struggling to obtain a contract. In gathering the members of the unit to attend Board of Supervisors meeting, communication with members and the public and continuing to fight, they were able to bring back a better agreement that received overwhelming support. That fight would not have been won if they did not continue to build their strength with new members.
Today, moving forward means working collaboratively between units, locals, region, labor relations specialists and all staff. If
you work for the Office of Mental Health (OMH), you may realize that there is now a safety officer position for the first time in the history of the agency. That was accomplished by a local president and her local members bringing forward safety concerns. One local president with the support of members,
other local presidents, CSEA’s OMH Labor-Management Committee, our Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) staff, Labor Relations Staff, Region Staff, Political Action staff, State Operations staff and Communications staff combined their skills to push for safety for all members. The OMH Safety position is there only because collaboratively, WE worked to get it done!
Today, moving forward means coming
leaders; in the private sector, state government and local government. I had a dialogue with them about the importance of being properly trained. Those phone calls helped me to establish relationships with newer officers and build on my preexisting relationships.
As long as leaders are in constant communication with members the way we are in Region One, anti-labor groups like the Freedom Foundation will never have a hold on us.
Initiating those conversations is not as difficult as some might think. The art of getting to know someone begins with a simple introduction.
Another goal is further bridging the gap between seasoned officers and new officers. If we do not bring those groups together, this union is dead in the water. The reality
together generating ideas and agreeing about the direction that we are headed. It
is not about my ideas, your ideas or their ideas. What matters is OUR UNION IDEAS and meeting the challenges of today while preparing for the future of our union. Meeting today’s challenges while preparing your unit or local for the future can become daunting. Please do not let it. We have our
‘union family’ to help make that task just a little easier. Asking for help makes all of us stronger.
The approaching door of the future will not wait for us to be ready; it will be here whether we are ready or not. Together, we must make this responsibility a top priority! We will be ready to walk over the threshold TOGETHER!
Leaders of the past have worked to leave us this union — STRONG, FEARLESS, and BOLD. Now, it is our turn to work together to build a future in our union that is stronger, more fearless, and bolder than before. Here is to MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER!
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Briggs
Executive Vice President
is, both groups bring tremendous value to CSEA. Our seasoned activists have critical institutional knowledge; younger activists have fresh, new ideas. If we can successfully bring those groups together, CSEA leaders will be unstoppable.
Lastly, I would like to stress the importance of having a solid team. I know that I am nothing without the region officers, local presidents and staff that bought into
the program the region board and I created for Region One. I am proud of the success we have had together and I am looking forward to the success we will have in the future.
Respectfully submitted,
Jarvis Brown
Long Island Region President
improved the quality of life for their members include, but are not limited to, more vacation time, paid sick leave, a retirement package and worker equality. These benefits have helped to improve the well-being of workers and their families.
In order to keep moving our union forward, it is imperative that we continue to organize new members, both in the private and public sectors, as well as focus our attention on the current membership. Many members believe that our union is only here to protect their jobs if they get in trouble with their employers. CSEA is so much more than that! CSEA lobbies government officials for positive changes to workers’ lives, which in turn benefits all union members. Our union also works with state legislators and the governor to protect our pensions. By supporting elected leaders on every level of government who stand with working people, CSEA ensures that members receive good- paying jobs with great benefits. Unions help to strengthen the middle class, therefore growing the economy.
With the upcoming Presidential election, it is vital that we prioritize solidarity. It
does not matter if you are a Democrat or Republican! What matters is that we come together as a union and vote for the best candidate that supports labor unions and their workers. I am fearful of what can happen if labor unions are diminished in their capacity to negotiate for workers’ rights, safety and benefits. All that we worked for can simply be taken away from us, and I certainly do not want to see that happen!
CSEA will be holding elections for all public and private sector Units and Locals in 2025. If you have not given any thought to running for election or reelection, please consider doing so! We need strong leaders in this union to continue to strengthen
members to take action on our behalf, more of them are more willing to do it.
For those of you who have served but are not looking to run for reelection this time around, you also have my gratitude for being willing to serve as you have. I thank every one of you who has served and wish you well as you move away from it.
We have faced plenty of challenges together in the past several years. We have continued to move CSEA forward. We will
our resolve and move our union forward. Educating members and providing essential basic rights such as a say in our job and health, safety and security in the workplace helps to diminish discrimination in the workplace since all workers are treated equally. There is strength in numbers. When union members join together to have their voices heard, they can achieve many things such as a voice and equity in the workplace, fair wages, health care and other benefits and a guaranteed pension.
In conclusion, I cannot think of another organization to which I would rather be a member than our union! Before becoming the Statewide Treasurer back in 2020, I
was a Unit President. CSEA gave me an opportunity to fight for workers’ rights and gave me a voice to battle for injustices in the workplace. As the Statewide Treasurer, I am happy to be able to assist Regions, Locals
and Units with their financial reports, train officers to ensure that the Financial Standards Code is being adhered to and assist members and officers however I can.
Your work for our communities and for our union deserves our respect. I am happy
to stand alongside all of you as we continue the fight for working people. We must always support one another and lift each other – that is the way we keep our union strong and move forward. I look forward to working with you to keep CSEA strong and united. Enjoy the convention and learn, not only in our many workshops and plenary sessions, but from each other. When you get home, share your new knowledge with members so that all union members feel more empowered.
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Meeks
Statewide Treasurer
face plenty more in the coming years, too. Let us all continue to work together as best we can. If we can all do that, I know we will be truly unstoppable as we all Move Forward Together!
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Bebo
Statewide Secretary
October 2024
The Work Force 15
CSEA STATEWIDE TREASURER continued from Page 11
  CSEA STATEWIDE SECRETARY continued from Page 11

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