SARATOGA SPRINGS — CSEA’s OPWDD/OMH Annual Advisory Committee Meeting saw an impressive turnout.
Three days of workshops, held September 21-23, engaged our union members by covering topics that included team building, leadership development, interrogation and discipline techniques, recruiting and retaining members, critical thinking, public speaking, member representation and an expedited arbitration process.
— Caroline Boardman
CSEA President
Mary E. Sullivan
From left to right, Metropolitan Region President Lester Crockett, CSEA Statewide Treasurer
Nicole Meeks, Brooklyn Developmental Center Local President and CSEA OPWDD
Committee Chair Faye Wilkie-Fields, CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan, Western Region
President Steve Healy and Central Region President Kenny Greenleaf.
From left to
right, Long Island
Center and Sagamore
Children’s Psychiatric
Center Local 1st Vice
President Abraham
Johnson greets Staten
Island Developmental
Center Local 2nd Vice
President Alphonzo
From left to right, Finger Lakes
DDSO Local President Lauren
Jackson looks on as Brooklyn
Developmental Center Local
President and CSEA OPWDD
Committee Chair Faye Wilkie-Fields
addresses attendees.
From left to right, New York State
AFL-CIO Executive Secretary
Sherice Shomo and CSEA
President Mary E. Sullivan discuss
important labor issues.
From left to right, Buffalo Psychiatric
Center Local President Lovette Mootry,
New York State AFL-CIO Executive
Secretary Sherice Shomo, Brooklyn
Developmental Center Local President
and CSEA OPWDD Committee Chair Faye
Wilkie-Fields and CSEA President Mary
E. Sullivan.
CSEA Staten Island Developmental Center Local officers and
activists show their union pride.
DDSO Local
Treasurer Kaisha
George gives an
answer on our
union’s version of
“Family Feud.”