HICKSVILLE — As soon as you sign your CSEA membership card, you become part of the CSEA family.
That is why our union takes steps to guide members through all phases of their career, especially the transition into retirement.
Understanding the complexities of taking that leap is why CSEA Long Island Region Suffolk Retirees President Millie Lucas began holding retirement seminars for region members several years ago.
More than 100 members packed the latest seminar in Hicksville, which included presentations from various representatives such as the New York State and Local Retirement System, the New York State Compensation Plan and several CSEA vendors.
If you would like to begin holding retirement seminars in your region, contact CSEA Retiree Program Specialist Christine Meehan at CSEA Headquarters at (800) 342-4146 and she can help you begin the process.
To learn more about our union’s Retiree Division, or to join, call Meehan or visit cseany.org/retirees.
— Wendi Bowie
Above, members pack the room to hear the latest retirement news at the seminar.