Governor signs CSEA priority bills


Gov. Kathy Hochul recently signed into law several of CSEA’s priority bills. Several of the new laws will help continue our union’s efforts to increase employee recruitment and retention. The bills that were signed will:

  • Require that any time spent as a provisional employee be counted towards time required for a promotional exam. (S.8557 / A.9386)
  • Allow individuals who are within 12 months of meeting the age or education requirements of a given civil service job to take an exam for that position. (S.8216 / A.8876)
  • Require the New York State Department of Civil Service to review civil service exams every five years and update them as necessary. (S.8551/A.9349)
  • Require all public employees to be provided notice whenever an employer responds to a Freedom of Information Law request for such employee’s disciplinary record.

The bills took effect on September 4.


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