In 2024, CSEA members worked hard to keep moving forward together.
CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan was reelected to a second term leading our union.
Our union worked with Gov. Kathy Hochul and her administration to continue to recruit and retain workers at state agencies.
CSEA members, working with our union’s Legislative and Political Action Department, helped secure a state budget that includes Tier 6 pension reforms and positive gains for union members. Our union also had a successful state legislative session, securing bills that move forward civil service reforms and protect workers.
Babylon School District aides and monitors joined CSEA with the strong support of our union members employed at the district. Members employed at Storm King Art Center also reached their first contract.
Hundreds of CSEA members gained potentially lifesaving safety and health knowledge at our union’s Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health. Peer Trainers from across the state also refreshed their skills to continue to keep workers safe on the job.
We mourned the loss of several members of our union family: Aaron Peters, Maria Coto, Stephen Ebling and Dariel Vasquez, who lost their lives while doing their jobs. Our union will continue the fight to ensure that all members stay as safe as possible at work.
At our union’s 114th Annual Delegates Meeting, hundreds of members got training and conducted important union business.
CSEA members from across the state also worked hard to elect congressional, state and local government candidates who stand with working people.
Throughout the year, union members continued to fight for justice for those who face oppression. CSEA also mourned the loss of AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus William “Bill” Lucy, whose contributions to the labor and civil rights movement are legendary.
We also continued to fight back against attempts by the Freedom Foundation to trick members into leaving our union.
In May, our union acknowledged members for their hard work and services they provide every day.
In 2025, our union will continue to face challenges, but members will stand strong together.