As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day this month, I am reminded how he often connected civil rights with labor rights. Dr. King understood that without one, the other could never be realized. The power that can be achieved by joining together collective voices for a shared purpose is more relevant than ever.
I have heard from members about the sad attempts by the Freedom Foundation to contact CSEA members during the holiday season with lies and propaganda. These anti-labor groups wish to divide us in order to weaken our voice. We must remember Dr. King’s message that the power we can achieve as workers comes when we join together.
We know these corporate backed groups will not stop their attempts to take away our rights and protections that we have worked so hard to achieve. CSEA will continue to combat their lies with the truth about the value of union membership.
No matter what your background, job or beliefs may be, the value of our union membership looks very much the same. We all want a good job that allows us to sustain a dignified living; affordable health care; safe working conditions; a voice on the job and a secure retirement. Our union membership is the best way to ensure that have these things we hold dear.
Our union has fought to advance workers’ rights for 115 years, sometimes in very difficult circumstances. While much has changed since 1910, one thing has stayed the same: when we stand together, we win.
I know that members have a wide range of beliefs and may disagree with one another, but it is vital to remember what ties us together. To move forward, we have to focus on our shared goals as opposed to what makes us different.
Let us use our differences not as a roadblock but as a strength. While we may never agree with one another, we can and should listen, and learn from, each other. I believe that is what Dr. King would do, and I believe it will be what keeps our union truly strong.