Workers from Haverstraw Ambulance Corps in Rockland County, from left, Brittany Delahanty, an emergency medical technician B (EMT-B), Julia Cantatore, EMT-B, and Greg Scharfenberg, EMT-B, are seen here at the beginning of their campaign to join CSEA delivering a letter to management with their intention to organize. This is colloquially referred to as the “march on the boss” and is traditionally the first public step for a group of workers forming their union. The group of 35 EMS workers went on to vote unanimously to join CSEA in their union election.
HAVERSTRAW — Paid workers from the Haverstraw Ambulance Corps voted unanimously to join our union in an election held December 4.
The group has had overwhelming support from the community and cited the reasons for organizing as building power at work to improve standards of care.
“I was thrilled to see that our hometown heroes at the Haverstraw Ambulance Corps voted to join CSEA,” said state Assemblymember Patrick Carroll, who represents the 96th District. “These people are there for us when we need them most, and deserve to be respected at work with a livable wage, benefits and retirement options. They now have the seat at the table that they need to obtain all of these.”
CSEA has a rapidly growing emergency medical services (EMS) union membership in New York state. EMS professionals are improving the profession through collective bargaining and political action, while pushing back against cuts and declining standards.
“Our number one priority is the quality care we give to the community,” said Brittany Delahanty, an emergency medical technician B (EMT-B). “A strong voice on the job is very important to be able to advocate for that care. We united for safety, professionalism and community care. Having a union means a guaranteed contract with our employer, having an open dialogue and being able to make changes on the job like working conditions, benefits and pay. We are so excited to join CSEA.”
“Safety is a major concern for all first responders,” said Greg Scharfenberg, an EMT-B. “Our job is dangerous, as members we will now have access to the CSEA Occupational Safety and Health professionals in additional to the opportunity to collectively bargain for better training and equipment. Now, we can work with our employer on raising safety standards and also adhering to best practices. We are on the ground every day and know the issues best.”
“Maintaining professionalism is a top priority. We see our community members at what could be the worst day of their lives,” said Peter Graziano, an EMT-B. “We have standards and decorum to uphold. Improvements to our working conditions and tools dedicated to helping us deal with the trauma we see and experience also means better care for our community’s residents.”
“On behalf of more than 30,000 members of the CSEA Southern Region, I am honored to welcome the Haverstraw EMS team into our union,” said CSEA Southern Region President Anthony Adamo. “These workers are the brave people on the front lines caring for the community at what could be the worst time of their lives. They deserve no less than to be treated with the utmost care, respect and dignity on and off the job. Joining together with a collective voice to improve the conditions of their employment is honorable. Forming their union is the first step toward getting the improvements they seek for themselves, their families, and the improvements in the public health of the greater Haverstraw community.”
Haverstraw EMS is also now united with 25,000 EMS workers in AFSCME, our international union, and nearly 3,000 CSEA members in represented in emergency medical services positions.
— Jill Asencio