Know a trailblazer? CSEA seeking Irene Carr Leadership Award nominations



Our union is seeking nominations for the Irene Carr Leadership Award, which will be presented during the CSEA Women’s Conference in April.

Irene Carr served as CSEA’s Statewide Secretary for 17 years, trailblazing a path to bring issues traditionally of concern to working women to the forefront of our union’s mission.

Throughout her four-decade union career, Carr played a key role in boosting training and job advancement opportunities, pay equity adjustments for women and minorities and access to ergonomic safety. She fought for HIV/AIDS awareness at a time when not much was known about the virus and helped establish dozens of worksite child care centers for state employees.

She started our union’s first Women’s Committee and chaired the AFSCME Women’s Advisory Committee for many years.

A leader in every sense of the word, Carr urged women to take on strong leadership roles, break out of the mold and shatter glass ceilings.

Carr was fully dedicated to our union’s mission, and she is an inspiration. The Irene Carr Leadership Award honors those trailblazers who continue her mission of advancing work and family issues and who demonstrate commitment to the concerns of women and families within CSEA and the labor movement.

The deadline to receive nominations is March 5. For more information or to download an application, visit


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