This Labor Day, we are showing our communities that we are proud union members and we plan to Stay Union, Stay Strong! Join us for a Labor Day event in your region to show our communities that we are Sticking With Our Union.
To join an event, or learn more, contact your region office.
Long Island, Metropolitan and Southern Regions:
Manhattan: September 8: New York City Labor Day Parade. Long Island, Metropolitan and Southern Region members: Show your CSEA solidarity by joining us in marching in the 2018 New York City Labor Day Parade in Manhattan! The parade will be held on Saturday, September 8. Members should meet us at 9 a.m. at West 44th Street between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue for coffee, juice and pastries while we prepare to march. We are scheduled to march at 10:15 a.m. Bring your banners, bullhorns, families and friends and your CSEA pride! If you are arriving by bus, the bus drop-off area will be West 44th Street and 6th Avenue. Buses will then proceed to the designated bus parking area at the end of the parade route.
Capital Region:
Albany: September 7: Michael L. Burns Labor Day Parade. Arrive at 5 p.m. Park at the Corning Preserve and beneath Route 787. CDTA buses will shuttle parade participants to parade start (Academy Park, across from NYS Capitol). Parade lineup from 5:15 – 5:30 p.m. below NYS Education Building. Parade starts at 6 p.m. and will be followed by food, music, rock climbing wall, games and fireworks at dark. Free and open to members and their families.
Central Region:
Ithaca: September 3: 35th Annual Labor-Community Picnic, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Stewart Park, Large Pavilion. All are welcome at this free event, sponsored by the Midstate Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO and the Tompkins County Workers’ Center. Please bring a dish to share — burgers (meat and veggie), hot dogs, beverages and ice cream provided. Contact the Tompkins County Workers’ Center at 607-269-0409.
Massena: September 3: Solidarity Day Parade and Picnic. Join the Jefferson, Lewis & St. Lawrence Counties Central Trades and Labor Council for the annual parade. Line up at Willow Street in Massena, by Coach’s Corner Restaurant at 10 a.m. The parade starts at 11 a.m. and will end at Springs Park with the events, a free picnic lunch and drawings to follow. Free CSEA t-shirts will be given out while supplies last. All CSEA members and their family members are invited to march. For more information, contact Amy Simmons at (315) 783-7555.
Syracuse: September 3: Labor Day Parade, New York State Fair. Sponsored by the Greater Syracuse Labor Council. Line up at 10 a.m. by Gate 4 near the Iroquois Village (look for the CSEA banner). Parade begins at 10:30 a.m. with a Union Strong rally to immediately follow. A limited amount of free CSEA t-shirts will be available. CSEA members in Onondaga and surrounding counties who commit to marching in the parade can request their free entry tickets to the fair through their local or unit president. Members outside those counties, or for more information, call the Central Region Office at (315) 433-0050.
Western Region:
Buffalo: September 3, Buffalo Labor Day Parade. Line up at 11 a.m. at the corner of Abbott Rd. and Stevenson St., Buffalo. The parade starts at noon, followed by picnic at Cazenovia Park.
Rochester: September 3: Rochester Labor Day Parade. Press Conference, 10 a.m. NYSUT Building 30 North Union Street. Parade begins at 11 a.m. (Parade lineup instructions will be given at press conference.) RSVP to Communications Specialist Ove Overmyer at (585) 354-1613.