CSEA members and union members representing additional job titles in Port Washington Schools show their union solidarity as they march in the Pride in Port Parade.

PORT WASHINGTON — Our Port Washington Schools Unit members showed their union pride and strength at the 2018 Pride in Port Washington Parade.PORT WASHINGTON — Our Port Washington Schools Unit members showed their union pride and strength at the 2018 Pride in Port Washington Parade.

Our members in the unit work as custodial, maintenance and transportation in the local schools and have played for years, an active role in the community’s annual celebration.

CSEA Port Washington Schools Unit President Ritchie Acevedo shows his union pride.

This year, the unit marched with members representing different unions in the school district.
The parade kicks off a day full of events that celebrates the Port Washington community, where CSEA members provide many essential public services. They also volunteer their private time to help with various Pride in Port events.

— Wendi Bowie


About Author

Wendi Bowie is an award-winning journalist who has focused the majority of her career on covering Long Island news. Her efforts have earned her the Press Club of Long Island Media Award for Public Affairs and the Long Island Coalition for Fair Broadcasting Folio Award. Wendi was drawn to her current position as Communications Specialist for CSEA’s Long Island Region because it speaks to her strong desire to champion the rights of the common man and woman.

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