The Long Island Developmental Disabilities Services Office (LIDDSO) honored employees who have served 25, 30, 35 and 40 years at a recent employee recognition dinner.
All honorees were presented with a certificate and an award to recognize their respective achievements.
CSEA members who work for LIDDSO provide essential direct care services for our state’s most vulnerable individuals.
— Wendi Bowie
- Deborah Sorg, 30-year honoree Jolly Jacob and CSEA Long Island Developmental Center and Sagamore Children’s Psychiatric Center Local Pressident Peter Marriott. “It’s important to be a CSEA member because it’s always good for the staff to feel a sense of support; without a union to have your back, you’re a zero to management.” — Jolly Jacob, 30-year honoree
- Juana Cosme, 30-year honoree, is so loved by her staff that a former staff member attended the ceremony to present Cosme with a special award on behalf of her past and present staff members. From left, Cosme’s former employee Anthony Everett, the night’s emcee Kathleen Brady and honree Juana Cosme.
- “With a strong union behind me, I have used the benefits that were negotiated for me to take care of my children. When you have children to raise, it really helps to a supportive union behind you.” — Patricia Brown, 30-year honoree
- “It’s been a pleasure to be part of our CSEA family for 25 years. I’m looking forward to so much more.” – Robert Burke, 25-year honoree
- Three sisters were honored at the ceremony for their professional benchmarks. From left, 30-year honoree Karen Hubbard, 25-year honoree LaShawn Hubbard and 30-year honoree Camela Hubbard. “I don’t think I would have made it this long without CSEA’s support. Working here is like being around your family.” — Camela Hubbard, 30-year honoree