SYRACUSE — Our Onondaga County Local leaders are already seeing improvements in relations with their county administration now that a new county executive is in office.

CSEA Onondaga County Local leaders recently held the first of what they expect to be monthly meetings with new County Executive Ryan McMahon, after he recently took office following the former county executive’s resignation.

Over the past 10 years, relations with the former executive were strained at best. CSEA often found our members in stark opposition to her policies and exclusionary practices. CSEA was rarely, if ever, included in decision-making that affected county workers, despite repeated outreach from our union.

Onondaga County Local President Dan Vadala said the willingness of the new county executive to meet with our union on a routine basis is an encouraging first step.

“We welcome this new opportunity to have a seat at the table with the county executive, and his realization that our workers deserve that opportunity,” Vadala said. “This could lead to a significant improvement in worker morale and service delivery that will benefit everyone in Onondaga County.”

— Mark M. Kotzin


About Author

Mark Kotzin has been passionately advocating on behalf of workers for more than 30 years, and is proud to serve as CSEA's statewide Director of Communications and Publisher of the CSEA Work Force.

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