CSEA Long Island Region members recently participated in Veterans Day events to show their honor and respect for our nation’s heroes.
The first event was the second annual Veterans Day Luncheon at Stony Brook Hospital, which is a joint venture between CSEA, other unions and the hospital.
At the event, union members working at the hospital were presented with certificates of appreciation and union swag.
The next event was the Long Island Region Veterans Committee’s Annual Veterans Day Ceremony at Armed Forces Plaza in Hauppauge.
During the ceremony, there were special readings in honor of fallen and surviving members of the U.S. armed forces.
Our region Veterans Committee is collecting personal care donations, such as nail clippers, toothbrushes and bar soap as part of their annual holiday donations initiative.
All items should be delivered to the CSEA Long Island Region office no later than December 11, 2019. Donated items will be delivered to local veterans facilities in our area.
— Wendi Bowie
CSEA Long Island Region Veterans Committee members and guests recite the Pledge of
Allegiance at the beginning of the ceremony. From left, Freddie Eddins, Evelyn McFarland,
George Dobler, Bill Parente, Lois Mueller, Francis Calvin-Marrow and Gary Kornova.
The CSEA members who were honored at the Stony Brook Hospital Veterans Day
Steve Abramson reflects on the sacrifices of members of
the U.S. armed forces at the Veterans Day ceremony.
Stony Brook Hospital Veterans Day Luncheon
organizer Freddie Eddins and SUNY Stony
Brook Local President Carlos Speight discuss
details of the Veterans Day event.
Ed Hussey and Steve Abramson hold the American flag and the Prisoners of War flag in
front of the Korean War monuments at the Veterans Day ceremony.
Long Island Developmental
Center and Sagamore
Local Recording Secretary
Francis Calvin-Marrow dons
her garb from the Ladies
Auxiliary American Legion
Ladies Unit at the ceremony.
J.J. Kremm recites one of
the many veterans themed
readings at the annual
Ed Hussey has the honor of holding the American flag
at the Long Island Region Veterans Day ceremony.
Evelyn McFarland, right, delivers a reading as, from left, Ed Pluchino,
Abraham Johnson, and Freddie Eddins look on.
Long Island Region Veterans Committee members, from left, Ed Hussey, Bill Parente and
Steve Abramson, take a moment of silence in remembrance of soldiers who were killed or
are missing.
CSEA Long Island Region Veterans Committee and guests at
Armed Forces Plaza, where the Veterans Day ceremony was held.