COMMACK — Our Long Island Region Human Rights Committee recently held its annual Festivals of Light ceremony.
CSEA members and guests gathered at the event to celebrate the various religious and cultural observances of our members.
Attendees were treated to holiday readings as well as dance and musical acts. Children were thrilled when Santa Claus dropped by to deliver gifts.
The evening ended with fellowship and a great holiday meal.
— Wendi Bowie
Guest Dr. Pam Robinson explains the seven principles of Kwanzaa.
Mistress of Ceremonies Millie Lucas, left, and Human Rights Committee Chair Eileen Moskowitz, right, introduce the next performer.
Nassau County Municipal Employees Village of Hempstead 1st Vice President Janice Duvall brought her granddaughter Jaylah Felder to enjoy the festivities.
Local 430 3rd Vice President Jonathan Boston and guest Jessica Ortiz recite the letter, “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.”
The Mexican Folk Dancing Group, Ballet Foclorico de Mexico Xochiquetzal, entertain guests.
Guest Synthia Roundtree performs a praise dance, which is an expression of worship in many Protestant churches.
CSEA Local 430 President Pete Marriott dressed up as Santa Claus for the ceremony.