Page 8 - Retiree News Winter 2023
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Update your contact, beneficiary information
As a CSEA Retiree member, it’s always
any questions you may have.
Even if you have updated your important for you to stay connected
to our union, especially as we continue
information, you are encouraged to call to go through unprecedented and
CSEA to confirm that your most recent information is correct.
difficult times.
Please help us make sure we have
It’s also important to keep your beneficiary information updated:
your most current information. Update
us by emailing infoupdate@cseainc.
• Pension: New York State & Local org (please include your full name), or
Retirement System. Website:
by logging into or creating your online member account at
Toll-free: 1-866-805-0990.
Once logged in, select “MY CSEA
ACCOUNT” in the application dropdown
• Health Insurance Providers: box. You will need your CSEA Member
NYSHIP: 1-800-833-4344. All ID Number, which can look up on the
others: check your card for home page of our website at
If you don’t have a computer or don’t
• Employee Benefit Fund: Members wish to update your information online,
with vision and dental contractual call CSEA Headquarters at1-800-342-
benefits. Website:; 4146. Our staff in the Member Solutions
Phone: 1-800-323-2732
Center can update your information
• Pearl Insurance: 1-877-847-2732 and/or point in the right direction for
(800) 342-4146
(518) 257-1000
Published by CSEA
Local 1000 AFSCME
Albany, N.Y. 12210
143 Washington Ave.,
Mary E. Sullivan, President
ideas on subjects important to retirees.
is published to share information and generate
etiree NEWS
Delivering for local veterans
From left to right, CSEA Long Island Region Veterans Committee members Ed Hussey, Suffolk Area Retirees Local 920 activist George Dobler, Nassau Area Retirees Local 919 activist Steve Abramson, Veterans Committee member Evelyn McFarland and Veterans Committee Chair and Local 920 activist Maryann Phelps deliver holiday donations to the Northport Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Region Veteran Committee members recently collected from CSEA members donations of personal care items, clothing and non-perishable food to donate to area veterans homes and organizations.