CSEA members run our union, and one important way to keep our union strong is to have a voice in how our union is governed. Participating in our union democracy includes proposing amendments to CSEA’s governing documents and proposing resolutions to be voted on by our delegate body.
To help explain the importance of making amendments and resolutions and how to write effective proposals for them, Statewide Secretary Richard Bebo will lead an online webinar on Resolutions and Amendments on Monday, March 21, at 6 p.m.
“As CSEA members, an important part of our union governance process is the ability to submit proposed amendments to our Constitution & By-laws documents, as well as to submit proposed resolutions to be voted on by delegates at our Regular Delegates Meeting,” Bebo said. “Your participation in our union democracy keeps our union strong.”
To register, call your CSEA Region Office no later than March 16.