Mary E. Sullivan: Project 2025 would harm union members!


This year’s election could very well be the most important one in our lifetime, as our futures are at stake.

You may have heard about a document called “Project 2025.” This document is an extensive proposal developed by the Heritage Foundation, a far-right think tank. It is intended to be a policy blueprint for the next Republican administration.

Many of our union members have varying political views and we respect and understand that; these differing beliefs help make our union strong. However, many of the proposals in Project 2025 would be devastating for members.

For instance, Project 2025 seeks to:

Eliminate public-sector unions, noting, “Congress should consider whether public-sector unions are appropriate in the first place.” That is their direct quote.

Allow state and local government to waive federal labor laws, including the National Labor Relations Act and Fair Labor Standards Act, which could allow for the removal of worker protections.

Gut seniority rights, eliminate release time for union business and end your contract-guaranteed pay.

Our schools are also targeted in Project 2025. It is proposed that tax dollars go to private schools for wealthy children, which would harm public school funding. It is also proposed to eliminate federal spending on education, which would cause a huge deficit for school districts.

Project 2025 would cut corporate taxes by nearly $30 billion. This proposal would reduce the public sector workforce at a time when adequate staffing remains a critical issue.

Also proposed are cuts to reproductive rights that could place people in danger of not receiving needed health care.

I encourage you to get educated on the facts. Our union’s Legislative and Political Action Department, along with Statewide and Region Political Action Committee members, are educating members about these harmful proposals. We also have numerous resources available on for members to learn more.

It is time to stand together and fight back against Project 2025 so that we can protect our futures!


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