Help us strengthen our union

Florida State East Local 951 member Lola Reed pledges to Never Quit her union.

Florida State East Local 951 member Lola Reed pledges to Never Quit her union.

Our union is facing many challenges, and we need your help to meet them head on.

As CSEA retiree members, you are a vital part of our union and you can play a key role in strengthening it.

We are continuing to reach out to every member through work site meetings and visits to our members’ homes.
Some of you have even played a vital role in helping CSEA activists and staff drop off literature, make telephone calls and visit our members, face-to-face, to hear their concerns and make a stronger connection.

During these meeting, we have also carried CSEA Retiree membership applications to present to any member who notes that he or she is planning to retire.

We have also urged our members to sign cards pledging to never quit our union, and now, we are reaching out to you to also sign these cards.

You may be retired, but our work is far from over. We are not only working to keep in place vital things such as collective bargaining rights, we are also working to protect our pensions and health care. While New York state continues to have one of the most stable, best funded state pension funds in the country, there are many misguided political and corporate leaders who believe that your pensions and health benefits are too generous.

CSEA has successfully fought back changes to retiree benefits in several school districts, and we are facing similar fights with the state through an ongoing class action lawsuit, and we recently filed a lawsuit against New York State Thruway Authority on behalf of retirees who now find themselves paying for health care that they were promised to have covered.

As we continue to face challenges and attacks, we need all of you to stand up and work alongside us to keep our union strong.


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