Feb. 11 — The 2018 CSEA Western Region Polar Plunge Team congregates at the Tripi household before the chilly dip into the icy waters of Lake Ontario, Rochester, NY.

Rochester– Thousands of hearty Western New York residents, including several revved-up members from CSEA, took part in the 18th Annual Rochester Polar Plunge at Ontario Beach Park on Sunday, February 11.

For nearly a decade, CSEA Western Region continues to field a team of robust volunteers and donors for the plunge. In 2018, a team of 20 activists and family members raised approximately $6,000 to support the Special Olympics New York. Proceeds directly fund entry for Special Olympians to participate and compete at state, national and global sporting events.

The Rochester Polar Plunge is the largest of its kind in New York, and one of the largest Polar Plunges to benefit Special Olympics in the entire country. The 2018 fundraising goal for the Rochester program was $300,000. All money raised will help support more than 71,000 athletes in New York so they, their parents and caregivers do not ever have to pay to get healthy, train and compete in the Special Olympics.

CSEA has been a statewide sponsor of the New York Special Olympics for more than a decade and participates in Polar Plunges all throughout the Empire State.

After the Rochester Polar Plunge, members warmed up to a buffet lunch at a local restaurant hosted by Western Region President Flo Tripi.

Rochester– On Feb. 11, CSEA members gather outside the VIP tent at the Rochester Polar Plunge to benefit the Special Olympics New York. Photos by Ove Overmyer, CSEA ©2018.

-Ove Overmyer


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