Rochester — Adam Bello shares his vision for a new era of governance at a CSEA membership meeting on October 3 at Ontario Beach Park.

Rochester – Monroe County Clerk and Monroe County Executive candidate Adam Bello stopped by to visit CSEA Monroe County employees at a meeting on October 3 to thank the members for his endorsement and to share his vision for a prosperous new era in county government. Bello faces off in November against incumbent Cheryl Dinolfo.

“It’s important for us to recall that labor is not a commodity but something to be protected and respected — that’s why I’m honored to receive your endorsement,” said Bello. “It is time to once again recognize that we can accomplish more together than we can apart.”

“By bringing new ideas, new energy, and new leadership to the County Executive’s office, we can restore a vision of creativity and collaboration to county government,” Bello continued. “Our community deserves a government as good as its people. One that lifts people up and fosters an environment where every hardworking family can grow and thrive. Because no matter who you are, where you live, or who you know, you deserve the very best from those who serve you.”

Western Region President Bob Pyjas

“Adam Bello is a very impressive guy. Our members understand his commitment to the guiding philosophy why government should work for everyone and not just the well connected,” said CSEA Western Region President Bob Pyjas after the meeting.

Pyjas added, “We agree with Mr. Bello when he says eliminating governmental waste, fraud and abuse are his top priorities because we share the same values. Shared prosperity is something the Dinolfo administration knows nothing about. On behalf of the thousands of CSEA represented employees living and working in Monroe County, we believe our community will be much better off if we elect Adam Bello as the next Monroe County Executive.”

“CSEA members who work for Monroe County are uniquely positioned to know best how to deliver public services, because we are the one’s doing the work,” said Unit President Jim D’Amico.

“The only time the Dinolfo administration wants to talk with working people is when it’s an election year. We also know we can do much better for taxpayers and residents of our community. That path forward is paved by electing Adam Bello as our next County Executive.”

Bello has received more than 27 endorsements so far in this election season, including nearly every major organized labor union representing employees who live and work in Monroe County.

-Story & photos Ove Overmyer, CSEA ©2019


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