ALBANY — The staff professionals in CSEA’s Occupational Safety and Health Department have been closely monitoring the constantly-evolving situation surrounding the current outbreak of COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus and are urging people not to panic.

While the threat to U.S. residents is currently considered minimal, CSEA wants to ensure our members can get updated information on any potential threats to workers. We are also updating our members on the best practices in prevention, especially for members working in health care situations or other workplaces where a greater exposure hazard may exist.

Because of the rapidly-changing nature of information surrounding the outbreak, CSEA has created a dedicated web page for the distribution of facts and available resources where you can get updates on the virus and get your questions answered.

Visit our Coronavirus Information page here.

“Our union has one of the finest Occupational Safety and Health Departments of any union across the country, and I have tasked them with providing the most accurate information and resources to our members who may be impacted by this outbreak, as well as any of our workers who are on the front lines working to prevent its spread,” said CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan. “We will dedicate all the resources necessary to make sure our members are protected against any threat this virus poses, and provide a forum to make sure workers’ questions are getting answered.”

CSEA has been working with the Governor’s Office and other state officials to ensure that workers are protected and that New York has the necessary resources for effective prevention and treatment of the virus. To date, the state has appropriated $40 million towards these efforts.

CSEA’s Information Page includes measures union leaders and activists can take now to help put comprehensive infection control plans into place.

In the meantime, CSEA is cautioning against the sharing of information from unreliable sources, which can lead to the spreading of misinformation, fear and panic, all of which can hinder an effective response.


About Author

Mark Kotzin has been passionately advocating on behalf of workers for more than 30 years, and is proud to serve as CSEA's statewide Director of Communications and Publisher of the CSEA Work Force.

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