Josh Schick, Political Action Coordinator
As a group of workers organized and working together to better ourselves, we wield some of our greatest power at the ballot box.
Because we are mainly workers who serve the public, our ultimate bosses are almost always elected officials. By participating as fully in the political process as we can, we strengthen the voice we have at work. It only makes sense.
That’s why CSEA has a Political Action Department.
In our region, all political activities are conducted under the advisement and with the assistance of Political Action Coordinator Josh Schick.
As Coordinator, Josh can help CSEA leaders and activists get involved in the political process in many different ways. From endorsing politicians who will give CSEA a friendly ear, running voter registration drives, advising the Region Political Action Committee, or getting involved in political fights to save jobs or services, or to fight against contracting out our jobs, Josh is the person to get things done.
If you have questions about CSEA Political Action, you can email josh.schick@cseainc.org or call Josh at the region office at (800) 559-7975.