Central Region President Ken Greenleaf’s Biography
President Kenneth “Kenny” Greenleaf is proud to serve as Central Region President. Prior to this position Kenny worked as the cleaning supervisor at the Hannibal Central School District where he had been employed since 1984. Kenny completed a supervisory course through Clemson University. While at HCS Kenny was the advisor to the International Student Organization, Key Club, for 18 years. He is a past member of the Kiwanis Club. For 12 years Kenny served as President of the Hannibal Custodial Association prior to their affiliation with CSEA.
In 1996 the Operations and Maintenance Department at HCS became a part of CSEA, joining other departments already affiliated. Kenny joined as a CSEA member and was elected President of Unit 8018 in 1998, a position he held for 20 years prior to assuming the Region Presidency.
In 2000 Kenny was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Fourth Vice President in CSEA Oswego County Local 838. In 2001 he was elected Local Treasurer, a position he held until his election to Local President in 2009. In 2009 he also was selected by his Local to fill the vacant Oswego County seat on CSEA’s Statewide Board of Directors. Kenny was reelected and held both the Local presidency and board seat until resigning to take his current position.
Kenny started his activism with Region 5 when he was instrumental in creating the Region Scholarship Fund. He has served on many Region 5 committees both as vice-chair and advisor. Kenny became a CSEA Region Vice President in 2011 when he was appointed by then-president Colleen Wheaton. He has continued to win subsequent elections to remain a Region Officer, moving up the ranks.
Kenny has also served on the CSEA Statewide Appeals, Personnel and Schools Committees, and was Chair of the Schools Committee.
In 2010 Kenny was selected to participate in the Fourth CSEA Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program, graduating in August 2011. Kenny completed the Harvard Trade Unionist Program in the March of 2022 and recently participated in the AFSCME Equity and Equality Training Program.
Kenny is a member of the Oswego County Labor Council and in September 2018 was elected as a Vice President to the Central New York Area Labor Federation (ALF). He currently serves as the Executive Vice President of the Area Labor Federation.
Kenny feels that his roles as an activist and a leader, not only in CSEA, but in his school district and in the community, have prepared him for the challenges he will face as CSEA Central Region President. He looks forward to those challenges as he represents the most important people in CSEA, our Members.